Radley Sanitarium, Day 128

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Laughter woke me up today. I swear it was Alison laughing right outside my door. It wasn't even 6 a.m. and she just didn't let me sleep with her damn laughter. After the third time I heard it I jumped out of bed and opened the door – but she wasn't there. No one was. But then I heard it again from somewhere kind of far away.

I looked around to make sure there weren't any nurses around and I followed the elusive laughter through the day room, the nursing station, the hallways and all the way to the other side of Radley where I found a door that lead into the basement. It was open and it seemed oddly familiar but I couldn't remember why. I went downstairs and all I saw were just old beds, broken wheelchairs, spider webs and lots and lots of doors. Storage, I assume. I never opened any doors.

It didn't take me long to reach a room with some bath tubs. They were filled with water and it was pretty clear no one had been there in years. Maybe even decades. When I was observing what looked like an old blood stain on a wall I heard the laughter again, but it was in the same room this time. I turned around and there she was. Ali. Sitting in a chair in her red coat.

It wasn't a dream. They're messing with my meds, but it was real. I don'tremember what happened afterwards but the next thing I know I was in my roomhaving dinner. But she's here and she's trying to tell me something.    

Mona Vanderwaal's Diaries: Radley SanitariumWhere stories live. Discover now