Chapter Two: Deal

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Chapter Two: Deal

-Bell's POV-

Bell waited until the door shut behind the blind guy before heading back towards Michael. She was still shocked that they had a blind visitor.

"What's wrong, Bell? You look like you just saw a ghost," Michael teased her. He was leaning against the counter, his arms across his chest casually. "Bell?"

Bell bit her lip and jerked her thumb backwards towards the door the guy had gone through. "You see him before?"

Michael nodded. "Yeah, he's n-"

"-blind," Bell interrupted.

Michael chuckled and nodded his head again. "Very good Bell. You're learning quickly," he teased her with a smirk on his face. She gave him her best glare. "Oh come on, just be happy that he can't report what he saw to my mother," he said slowly, moving towards her slyly. "Speaking of which..."

Bell bit her lip hating the way her cheeks reddened easily. Michael stepped closer to her, so close that she could feel his body heat between them. Her lips ached with the memory his brushing slightly against hers. What had almost been, had not happened. She wanted it so badly.

Michael moved so slowly, testing her to make sure she wouldn't move away. His hand came to her cheek, softly, hesitantly. She felt her breathing stop. She wanted this. She knew she did. Michael's always been so gorgeous in her eyes.

She shut her eyes and waited for the touch of his lips against hers.

But instead she felt his hand leave her face and his presence walking away. Bell opened her eyes disappointed. She felt rejection curl into her stomach.

"Beauty, would you get him to sign this form?" Michael held out the client clipboard towards her. Bell felt hope shatter as she took it with a nod.

"Okay," she said, turning away from Michael.

Michael chuckled behind her. "Chin up, Bell. I won't keep you waiting too long," his voice was laced with a teasing nature.

Bell turned around to give him a funny face but he was already walking towards the back of the store, his cellphone to his ear. Bell sighed and hoped that was his mother checking up on things.

Bell meandered through the store aisles towards the studio door. She opened it and walked into the hallway. There were several doors in the hallway. Each branched off to another room full of mics, instruments, basic needs for a studio.

Bell reached the third door when she heard a familiar tune. She paused and listened to the chords of piano being played. "Fly With Me" by the Jonas Brothers had begun.

Bell peeked closer, inching her face around the doorway. At a piano, facing away from her sat the blind guy.

The guy's hood had been lowered, revealing brown curls.

It couldn't be....


-Nick's POV-

Somehow Nick ended up seated at a piano. His fingers trailed across the keys, touching the white and black that he knew was there. Shivers ran down Nick's spine as he pressed down on one note, the sound ringing through his ears. It had been so long.

He pressed a couple keys until he found the right one. "You can play this," Nick muttered to himself. It's not like he really stared down at his hands as he played in the past. Being blind shouldn't change his talent.

His right hand found the right keys but his left was a little more difficult. Since it would play the lower register, he would have a hard time monitoring both right and left.

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