Forgotten. Chapter 1 - Part 2/2

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Chapter 1 – Part 2/2

She tossed her long silky blonde hair over her shoulder.

“I’m sorry Ella, but didn’t you invite me? I am after all your real mom”

She smiled at me.

Fake, of course.

Like the rest of her.

“No. No you’re not. Stella is more of a mom than you ever were. What were you thinking when you ran away with all of dad’s money, huh? What the fuck were you thinking? Oh I know what you were thinking. I’ll just go off and get a whole new body. It’s not like John will care anyway. Well guess what EMILY? You’re a fake whore and no one wants you on this planet. Earth’s too full. Go back to where you belong bitch. Oh wait, you don’t belong anywhere! Just get lost and never come back here.”

I exhaled deeply.

Every single person at the party was turned facing me.

They all had the same alarmed expressions planted on their face.

Emily looked at me with her big blue eyes, trying to take me on a guilt trip… But it wasn’t working and she knew it.

After a few moments she scowled.

“You were a mistake Ella. A big mistake. You’re a stuck up bitch.”

I heard gasps from my friends.

She stormed out the front door.

The party was silent for a minute.

The DJ had stopped playing music, therefore making the silence more awkward than it already was.

“Hey DJ hit it!”

DJ Karim started to play his tunes again but all of my friends were still in shock.

“Hey guys, just enjoy! Chill and listen to the music! I’ll be back in a minute.”

I ran to my room and grabbed my Blackberry.

I dialed my dad’s number quickly and listened to the phone ring.

First ring.

Second ring.

“Hello there Birthday Girl! How are you?”

“Dad, guess who showed up at my party?”

“You were having a party? You never told me?! Ella Shannon Flemings I am coming home this instant!”

“Dad, chill we discussed this a week before you left. I would have a party on my birthday while you were on your business trip. Don’t you remember?”

“Oh… Of course darling.”

I rolled my eyes.

This was the problem with having a dad that works too much.

He never remembers the things you tell him that are not work related.

“Yeah so guess who showed up.”

“Who sweetie?”


The line went silent for a moment or two.



Another silence.

“But you didn’t invite her right?”

“Of course not Dad! I hate her guts!”

“I understand that honey.”

“But Dad, she said she was invited.”

“But you didn’t invite her.”

“Yes but the question is… Who did?”

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