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Have you ever heard of the constellation, Phemri? I guess not but it is my constellation and I am going to share to you the story of how I came up with it:

Once upon a time. No, too cliché. Uhm, It all started with- no. Hm. Ah! His name was Phemius. He was and still is a great friend of mine. Well, I wouldn't really say a friend since I had liked him. 'Cliché cliché cliché' you may say to yourself but please hear me out. As I was saying, we met in the summer of '89. I was walking to the park to buy some popsicles since it was summer, it was hot and most of all I needed to get away from my parents.

I reached the park and basically avoided bumping myself from kids that were my knees' height. I got my popsicle and sat down at a bench located near a pond. As I slowly devoured my popsicle, from the corner of my eyes, I saw this guy and yep! You were right, if you were guessing, it was Phemius.

At that time, we weren't close yet and they just moved in our subdivision but I saw him, there, at the pond. He was feeding some ducks and I was already halfway through my popsicle. Maybe, I was staring at him so long that he noticed and waved whereas I had waved back. From then on, begins our story.

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