The Night Sky

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 lie down with the cold ground beneath me,

As I gaze up at the stars in the sky.

Thinking how beautiful they are up there,

In the darkness of the night.

And the bright moon is up there too,

It provides the light in the night.

And I begin to wonder what it’d be like,

To be something so full of beauty.

To be something that guides people home,

To be known by all people.

And then I begin to think of places,

Places where you can’t see the stars.

Places where they miss the beauty,

And can’t look at the stars.

The places where the sky has a thin cover,

Created by the city lights.

A place where the calmness of the night sky,

Is not in their sight.

My breathing becomes steady,

As the sky calms me.

The stars are so beautiful,

Oh how I wish I could be like them.

Something so full of beauty.

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