A Place of Dreams

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There is this place that I once heard of,

A place where anything you want can happen.

A place where you can’t be hurt,

And things usually work the way you want them to.

A place where reality takes no part,

And all the bullshit you deal with is gone for a little bit.

A place with dragons, unicorns, and fairies,

Or a place where you can travel in time.

A place of happiness,

Where things are perfect.

But this place is also a frightening place,

A place of ghost, monsters, and demons.

A place where you travel to the darkest parts,

And sometimes you need saving.

A place where bad things happen,

And sometimes you are snapped back to reality.

This is a place of dreams both good and bad,

A place that is an escape from the reality.

A place that once you leave you can always return,

Things just won’t be the same as they were when you left.

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