Bitter Taste

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Bitter Taste

(July 2013)

**This poem is very personal.. and I've decided it is good for me to share it with you all as it came tumbling from my soul this very moment.  Alcohol once ruled my life, for many years, but no longer.  Thank you all for being so amazing and supporting my poetry.  You've gotten me to this point, where I can share without fear.


reaching into the cold space

i am summoned by a familiar sight

it asks me to remember

it begs me to try again

just a sip

just a moment

the feeling is overpowering

a sense of control

seconds filled with possibilities

i am powerful

i am wanted

i am beautiful

just a sip

liquid courage that led me into darkness

giving me all the words

i could never say without

kiss your lips

toxins move thru my blood

i am without fear

give myself to you

forget you tomorrow

turn on the engine

i've done this so many times

drive past your house

drive without knowing

where it is i'm going

waking from my slumber

i am reminded of what i was

my head it throbs with dull memories

blackness and a candle

guide my way

years i was your slave

giving you my soul

and in return

you made it bleed

i ask you to forgive me

i cannot go back

not today

not again

i want to forget

all that i was

the bitter taste of poison

no longer controls my life

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