More friends ?

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Rachael's P.O.V
After class I walked to my locker to get my things  . My thoughts soon wondered to the new girl , Lilly . I wonder how long she's been here , It couldn't of been long because I would have noticed a long time ago . I was snapped out of my thoughts by a little hand waving around in front of my face . I looked down to see my best friend , Emily . She has light brown hair that goes down to her shoulders . Emily also has baby blue eyes with specks of green in them . She is tall but not as tall as me ( she's up to my chin ) . She smiled one of her signature smiles and I smiled back at her . If there is one thing you can count Emily on its that she can brighten your day even if it is just with one of her smiles . Again I was brought back to earth but this time with light taps on my shoulder . Shaking my head I looked down to see Emily with a face full of concern . " are you ok raggles ? " She tilted her head to the side still concerned and confused . I chuckled " I'm fine don't worry about it " she sighed before answering " ok " her voice laced with hesitation . There was an awkward silence until I spoke up " hey , did you know there's a new kid , and it's female ." Her head snapped in my direction with a big grin on her face " R- REALLY !! WERE IS SHE , IS SHE NICE  * gasp  * , DOES SHE NEED SOME FRIENDS !!!" She started jumping around the hall like a five year old . I started laughing and made my way to my dorm . My parents made me stay  at the school so I could ' have better education ' . I heard Emily gasp before light footsteps were herd . I turned my head to see her right next to me with a pouty face and her arms crossed over her chest . I started laughing . Her face turned from pouty to total confusion " w- what ?!?" She said I tried to talk while laughing " yo-u  act li-ke a 5 year old " before bursting into another for of laughter . She giggled before replying " well I may act like a five year old but at least I didn't set my fridge on fire " "HEY , that was one time ! " I yelled she then burst into fits of laughter and giggles . I chuckled and looked ahead  . I saw a figure standing next my dorm door I blinked and it disappeared ' weird ' I got to my door Emily following . She usually stays in my dorm so we could talk about our day and talk about the teachers . I heard footsteps behind me and I turned my head to the direction of the sound , Emily doing the same . I noticed it was the new girl Lilly . I wanted her to meet Emily so I yelled her name " LILLY !" She turned her head towards me and smiled I walked to her and herd Emily stumbling behind me . When we reached Lilly Emily was the first to speak " * gasp * are you the new girl ?" Lilly nodded her head . I thought Emily's eyes were going to pop out of her head . She took Lilly's hand and shook it as much as she could " HI MY NAME IS EMILY AND I WANT TO BE YOUR FRIIEEND !" I put my hand  over Emily's mouth and moved her away from Lilly . She glared at me as I let go . " sorry about Emily she can be a littler hyper when it comes to new kids " " HEY " I chuckled at Emily . Lilly put her hand out and Emily shook it " it's alright , and by the way my names Lilly " Emily smiled and Lilly returned the smile . 'They are going to get along very well '

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2016 ⏰

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