The Hunter and The Little Black Kitten [REWRITTEN]

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"This isn't funny, Gabriel!" Castiel shouted, the frustration clear in his voice. Gabriel had mocked Castiel with his crush on Dean again. How Gabriel found out, Cas might never know.

It was annoying though, constantly being confronted with his love for Dean when his feelings were not reciprocated. Castiel had known from the start, Dean would never fall for him like he did for Dean. It made his heart ache, like a hundred spears were jammed into his chest at the same time. It was painful. A lot more painful than he had expected. He was an angel, yes, but he didn't feel like that. He hasn't been feeling like that for a long time. Maybe it was the time he had spent with the Winchester that made him more human. It wasn't necessarily a bad thing, except for the confusion of his feelings. The pain he felt when Dean picked up another girl, a pain he learned to describe as jealousy. It was awful, but he couldn't help it. He knew about the sexuality crisis, and the stern words of John Winchester. That didn't help at all, it only disappointed him further, knowing how out of reach Dean actually was.

"Listen, little bro, just tell him. What is the worst that can happen?" Gabriel asked getting frustrated too. He had to watch the two dance around each other for years without either of them making a move. Maybe it was time to take matters in his own hands. He was the prankster after all.

"He might hear me," Castiel whispered, staring at his shoes. If angels could blush, he would definitely be blushing right now.

"It's okay, Cassie. I will help you," Gabriel smirked, his hand already moving to snap his fingers; the usual thing he did before using his grace. There was no stopping him now and Castiel knew it wouldn't end well for him.

"Gabriel, please, whatever you are planning to do to me... please don't do it," Castiel begged, taking a few steps back. He won't escape this, he knew that in the back of his mind. If Gabriel wanted something, it was going to happen. No stopping him.

"Too late for that Cassie," Gabriel smirked and snapped his fingers.


"Meow," Dean's head shot up, his eyes inspecting the library. He thought he heard a cat, but he might be wrong. "Meow!" Dean heard again. This time he's sure it was a cat, it couldn't be anything else. Dean abandoned his research and searched around for the cat instead. Dean drew his gun and took the safety off just in case. The weird part? He wasn't sniffling or coughing like he normally would with cats around. He was allergic, couldn't handle the fur.

The meowing seemed to come from upstairs. Dean barely heard it, the meow was very faint. Luckily for him, it didn't stop. The cat sounded distressed, almost panicky. Dean pointed the gun in front of him, walking through the hallway of bedrooms. The sound was less faint, the closer he got to Castiel's room.

What if Cas brought home a cat? Dean thought, sighing deeply. Cas would definitely do that. It wasn't a secret Castiel was fond of animals, especially cats. It drove Dean insane, not just Castiel constantly begging for a furry friend. No, the sadness and disappointment in his eyes when he had to tell him no. Except for the fact that Dean was allergic, they were not home often enough to take care of a pet. It wouldn't be a good living situation for the animal, it would be cruel.

Dean slowly opened the door, his gun still firmly in his hands, ready to shoot. His eyes instantly focus on a small, black, furry ball laying on Cas's bed. Dean dares to come closer, lowering his gun when the cat meows again. Dean takes in the cat's appearance, when his breath catches. The eyes of the cat, the color, it was way too familiar.

"Cas?" Dean asked, surprised when the cat let out a meow again. The deep ocean blue matched Castiel's eyes perfectly.

"What happened to you Cas?" Dean asked, concerned, before realizing Cas is a cat and he can't talk. Dean nearly face-palmed himself and by the looks of it, Castiel agreed that he is kind of an idiot.

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