just a quick note but still read

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(Sorry about not discribing the outfit and it kept deleting for some unknown reason but lemme catch you up and the next three chapters are going to be of lyca maykala and mya outfit that they wore and anyways what happened was mikey came in the room to give her his phone number but he thought she looked really pretty and she started crying when she met him and it was sweet and then she had to fix her make up but anyways)

She had her haircrimped and twisted it to one side so it was on one side of her head and she stopped in the e middle she wore red lipstick pink eye shadow some blush and she put on a pair of sparkly nerd glasses with a bow on the top of the right hand corner and after that she and mikey switched phone numbers and mikey asked her if she wanted to walk with him over there and yeah (but after the chapter with there outfits its going to the cheesecake factory sorry for some reason when I learn how to do things I tend to do it a lot)

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