A Diversion

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An explosion.

Orcs invaded Helm's Deep. Ten thousand strong against almost nothing. There were so many dead women and children. Helm's Deep's cobbled floors had been dyed red from the blood of the fallen.

Lessien walked through the cobbled walkways barefoot, her feet staining red and black with the crimson. Everyone, everything had been destroyed.

She walked hollowly, terrified at what she saw and tripped. When she got up, she looked behind her and saw that it had been Legolas's corpse that she had stumbled over.


Lessien woke up screaming.

Deep breaths, Lessien. You don't need to attract any unwanted attention. It was a dream, just a silly dream.

"I'm fine, I'm fine," she said aloud to no one at all.

Nightmares always left her phased. It was sort of embarrassing, really.

The sun hadn't risen and stars were still out.

Lessien got up either way.

At the end of her bed, as promised, were her washed tunic, new trousers, as the ones she had previously worn had been ripped and stained from the wound in her knee, and all of her weapons.

She got dressed, putting her daggers back where they went on her body and pulling her hair up. They were evacuating the city today and Lessien decided she would get a head start.

She went outside, down the stairs, and to the stables.

Lessien felt the tapping of her boots on the floor were like the sound of bombs going off in the empty halls.

At the stables, she began rubbing down her horse and while she did this, she wondered what would become of her during this battle. She had never fought something with the odds being like this.

What would happen to Legolas? To Gimli? To her father?

Angry thoughts of Aragorn and Eowyn crept in soon after.

Lessien's mind circled around and she began wondering what she it would do to her if something bad happened to Legolas. It made her sick to her stomach.

Lessien leaned her head against her horse. "This quest is much harder than I though it would be," she whispered to him.

"I see I was not the only one who could not sleep," Gandalf said from behind her.

Lessien bolted upright and cleared her throat, patting her steed half-heartedly. Her cheeks warmed with embarrassment.

"Well, I don't much like sleep. It is a large waste of time, especially in times like these," she explained.

Lessien was bursting on the inside to tell him everything, of Legolas, Eowyn and Aragorn, and the uncomfortable feeling she was always being watched. She wanted to ask him more about the Darkness Legolas had spoken to her of.

Yet, her pride did not allow her.

"Come, child, what burdens you?" Gandalf insisted, as if he read her mind.

Lessien had a feeling he very well could.

"It's just-" Lessien met his eyes, and then changed the subject. "Why are you awake?"

"Same reason as you, I guess. I am preparing to leave," Gandalf answered solemnly.

He went to Shadowfax's stall and slowly led him out. The dull clopping of the horse's hooves on the straw seemed horribly finalizing.

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