Armin X Reader

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It was lunch break at sweet Amoris high. You were heading to classroom B to meet up with your boyfriend as always. He had his 3Ds out playing his favorite RPG. As you walked in the door he greeted you with, " Hey Geek!" You laughed replying, "What's up nerd?". This was normal for you guys to tease each other.
You sat pulled a desk over to face his as you sat across from him. You pulled out your own 3DS and joined his game. Armin pulled out some chips as you got the Mountain Dew. You shared the food having your own gaming party everyday at lunch.

After 15 minuets of playing the game you Armin seemed to be struggling in game although he said nothing. You caught him stealing glances at you over his hand held game with an almost invisible blush. You were getting curious as to what he was thinking. That was when you felt his leg slowly move over to yours under the table, just sitting there right next to yours. You smiled as you finished the in game mission. Hearing Armin cheer loudly as he threw one fist in the air at his victory. You couldn't help but to giggle at his actions.

You then sat down your game and reached your hand over the table entertaining your fingers with his. "Good job chief!"
"And to you as well sergeant! I may have to upgrade you if you continue!"
You laughed as you continued some small role play. The bell ring signaling the end of lunch. You reluctantly got up with a sigh gathering your stuff and getting ready to head out the door to a long and boring day.
" hey wait!" Armin called behind you. You turned around seeing him standing behind you with a blush on his face. He was looking off to the side.
"Hey do you um...maybe...want to go to the con Saturday?...Together?"
You couldn't help but to laugh at his adorable actions.
"Hey what's so funny?!" He asked with his annoyed expression.
" of course, I'd love to go with you!...Dork" You added with a smile. He looked relieved and started to walk out. He kissed the top of your head.
"Great! I'll see you then!"
He stated as he walked out of the room waving. You smiled to yourself, happy with the one you love.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2016 ⏰

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