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****OK so here is Chapter 4 finally!! sorry for the wait!! COMMENT, VOTE, FAN PLEASE!!! IT WOULD MEAN A LOT TO ME!!!!***** 

****Also this chappie is dedicated to ScorpioBabeyy for giving me the suggestions for the chapters I've decided to use one suggestion for a few chapters maybe even more not sure yet. But thank you so much ScorpioBabeyy for the suggestions!!!!! Also I highly suggest her book "Coffee Love" the description could be better but I read it anyway and I love it so READ IT!!!****


The day I went home from school. Shelby was actually being nice to me and I wasn't sure why. But I just knew that would end soon, but I was wrong and I was so confused....

She checked my foot and put some more neosporine and gauze and ace bandage on it and told me to go to bed early. She even came in my room and gave me something for the pain. I was so surprised that I didn't even know how to act, because I was still so confused on why she was being nice to me. My curiosity was soon answered, when the doorbell rang. I could hear an unknown woman talking to Shelby and my father. 

I was evesdropping but I just had to know what they were talking about and then I heard the question she asked them both why I come to school everyday with new fresh bruises. I was still wondering who she was and why she was asking about my bruises....

My father quickly replied "she's really clumsy and falls down all the time" . In my head I'm thinking yes I am really clumsy but the bruises she was asking about were the ones that came from all my beatings at home, but to my crappy luck she said "well I'm sorry for bothering you and I don't feel like I need to investigate any further." That was the last thing I was hoping she would say.... I'm always going to be stuck here, I'll never get out of the hell-hole

Once the lady left ( I found out later that she was a Social Services Agent) boy was I in for the beating of my LIFE!! 

The extension cord came out, and I knew I was doomed. 

My father told me to take off my shirt and turn around. I did, and instantly I felt the sting of the cord hit my back so hard. I learned not to show any emotion so I tightened my grip on the pole of his bed and bit my lip HARD. I could feel my lip start bleeding but I didn't care because if I whimpered or flinched the next hit would be much harder. The stings from the cord kept coming and coming. I didn't know how long he would do this, and I also lost count of how many times he actually hit me. 

All I could hear him screaming in between blows was "you little fucking bitch you told someone what happens at home!!!!! How many times have we told you that what happens at home stays at home??!!!  I'm so fucking tired of you, I should've killed you instead of intentionally missing when I shot at you, you no good piece of shit!!!!!" Another blow came and then another and then more.

By the time he was done I felt like my back was on FIRE!! It hurt so bad. When I looked in the mirror all I could see was a million welts on my back and they were bright red and most were bleeding. 

It was hard to go to sleep on my back that night so I slept on my stomach and the pain made me wake up about every ten minutes it felt like. It was excruciating!!  I also had to keep changing my shirts cause they'd end up being soaked in blood. 

When it was morning I still had to do the 'morning torture' even though I was in horrific pain I tried my best to do it fast, but it was literally impossible. So I was doing it at turtle pace and that certainly did not sit well with Shelby. She snatched me back by my hair and threw my back against the counter which made me scream in pain. 

I knew in my mind I shouldn't have screamed but the pain was literally unbearable. For my scream I got a STRONG punch in my gut. I held back the cries and hunched over clutching my stomach. 

"Know if that wasn't enough encouragement to do your fucking chores faster then I can surely do it again, try me and see!" Shelby screamed in my ear.

So I instinctively turned around and did my chores as fast as I could. Not very fast I might add but It was as fast as I could do with all the pain. 

When I got to school that day Jimmy walked up to me and slapped me on the back and said "whatsup Ashlee?" I literally almost fell to the floor in pain. "What's wrong Ashlee? Are you OK? Did I hit you too hard?" I just replied with "no I'm Ok I just fell down and hit my back so it kind of hurts." He of course didn't buy it. Most of all my friends know 'most' of the things I go through at home so they try not to pry too much, but It's hard when you always have a new fresh horrible bruise somewhere. 

They know about the beatings but no one knows about the molestations or rape. (YET)


***Also for anyone who is confused as to why my book is so out of place and all over the place it's because my life has always been all over the place and so is my mind.... My books going to be like that and I can't change it so, sorry if that makes you not interested in it. O well for you!!!***

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