ALLCSK Chapter One! :3

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“Bye everyone, have fun on your break, and I'll see you in a week” Laura-Lee waved her students good bye as they left the classroom, a chorus of


“Bye Teacher!” followed after.


Sitting down, she let out a huff, glad that her day was now done. Shifting the papers that had yet to be graded, she muttered to herself, “Ughhh teaching might be fun and fuffilling but it sure is tiring!”




“Who is calling me now....everyone is still working..?” Laura-lee thought, puzzled.


“Yeoboseyo ?”


“What did I tell you about answering my calls in korean!” A very sarcastic voice stated in english


“Ohhh Carly its you? Sorry bout that, I just finished up class, hence the korean” Laura-lee replied, rolling her eyes at her friends distinct hate for everything related to where she worked.


“Well still, like I said when you left, any hint of you trying to become asian, and I'm taking you back home!” Carly tutted


“Oh my you're still worried about that! Think about it. I'm as white and pale as they come, there is no way I could become asian unless I had plastic surgery....which my salary can't afford.” Laura-Lee answered, slightly annoyed.


“True, but still. Ohh I heard you have a week break now?” Carly asked


“Ummm how do you know?” Laura-lee asked, knowing that she did not tell her best friend this...


“Your mom told me. Now onto more important business, are you coming home to visit?” Carly asked, an underlying tone of interest peaking in her voice


“No, what would be the point...its only a week. Had it been a month, maybe but a week is too short of a time to be able to vist.”


“You've got to be kidding me, let me guess you found an asian boy and are having his babies aren't you, and thats why you're not willing to come home..!” Carly laughed



“akhblf NO! That is not why I'm not coming to vist! Its just too expensive for just a weeks trip.” Laura-lee said, wondering what was going through her friends head. “And also if I was having an asian boys babies, don't you think I'd have told you by now”


“Thats true, its like almost impossible for you to keep secrets from me!” Carly stated, the smugness dripping of her words.


“Uh huh thats what you think!” Laura-Lee exclaimed.


“Laura-lee shi, what are you doing here! The school has been closed for half an hour!” An very nasaly voice yelled!


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2011 ⏰

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