V for Vendetta

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Alrighty, so this one was sort of tricky, bt also extremely fun to work with. Yeah, I have a lot of gaps in most of these stories, but hey I never even planned on telling anyone, or even posting them on wattpad soo yeah! haha, I'll leave those empty spaces to your imagination. :D

By the way, this is based on both the comic book and the movie. Mainly the movie because, you know, I have watched it over 1000 times.



Name, Ebony

Age early teens (14)

Black hair, grey-green eyes, and pale

 Back Story!!!

Ebonys childhood was dull and pretty boring. She lived a basic life, although instead of following blindly at what her parents and teachers and friends told her to do she would often question them. She had always loved to hear about the riots in history class and always paid attention to the political world. Eboy was extremely well educated for her age and often found herself alone during nonschool hours. When she was 13 the riots began. She would watch the telly intently waiting for new news on the commotion.

When she was 15, she was walking with her parents when a small riot broke out. Ebony turned to her parents and says, "Mom, Dad, Don't stop me from what I'm about to do." They looked at her with horror in their eyes as she turned from them and ran to the scene. After a few minutes the small protest turned into a full on uprising and the police finally began to take action. They took most of the rioteers, including Ebony, to the prison. Most of them were not given a fair trail and she was one of them.


Ebony Howard, you are charged with treason and distrupting traffic. Do you deny these charges?

I do deny these charges. *The people at the trial stare at her. Her parents look appaled*

Shall I elaborate?

Please do, Miss Howard.

There was a time when the opinion of the people mattered. When their voices were heard, at least, and actions were taken to make sure that they were content. Obviously, the people are unhappy. So, my question to you is why are you not taking action to satisfy your people?

We are not here to explain our actions to a little girl.

I have a voice and I WILL use it!

Send this one to Larkhill! *mallet hits the wooden pad*

*End Trial*

Ebony was the youngest sent to Larkhill at the age of 16. She was also choosen for the experiments that were performed there. (V had already been there for two months) The doctor's thought that she wouldn't make it through the first experimet, but she was able to pull through. After three experiments, Ebony became severely ill. Because of her age, she was allowed time outside of her cell for fresh air, and there she met V. (In the comic book he was allowed to have a small garden at Larkhill where he grew Scarlet Carsons)

They spoke secretly about their stories and how they had ended up in a place such as Larkhill. Ebony admired V and looked at him as an inspiration to drive on, but her body thought differently. As the days progessed, she fell more ill and by November, she was barely able to walk. On their last visis in the garden, V had told her of his plan to escape. The nigt of November the fifth, V and Ebony escaped from Larkhill Detention facility. V had to carry Ebony for most of the way to the Shadow Gallery. The walls were bare and there was no art. The place was empty. She suffered from only minor burns, but V had, as we all know, had suffered from major ones.

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