::2:: Magus (Part 1)

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Music is Kaer Morhen from The Witcher 3 OST. Play it!


"Are you sure she's one of us?" a woman's voice woke me out of my slumber. I lay still on the bed, sinking into its comforting heap, doing nothing to indicate that I was awake. It felt wondrously clean, and the blankets pulled up to my shoulders were warm and downy.

"I am very sure, Elise," the woman's companion replied. A man. He sounded familiar. His tone was curt, sharp, weary. Then I recognised the voice.

Lord Himmel.

"A Magus..." I could feel Elise's eyes pinned onto me, although I had no idea how she looked like. "Amazing. It has been—what? Ten years since the last one?"

My eyelids flew open. I couldn't contain my curiosity at those words: A Magus. Who were they referring to? My vision was blurry at first, but it soon focused. I was staring up at the ceiling of a canopied bed, the velvets shimmering with luxury. Then came Lord Himmel's golden head, followed by his impassive, detached expression. Next was the woman—Elise. Her glossy dark hair was plaited and twisted into a ruthless chignon at the nape of her neck. She had a youthful face—high cheekbones, wide lips—yet it seemed ancient. I couldn't say what gave me that impression, but she just felt old.

In fact, the two of them seemed older than their appearances indicated.

Don't be foolish, I chided myself. You're just disorientated, that's all.

"Where am I?" I croaked, trying to sit up. Elise quickly moved to help me, propping up the pillows and adjusting my blankets. Then she forced a mug to my lips. I choked, wanting to spew out the brandy running down my throat. However, Elise didn't relent.

My head instantly cleared.

"Where am I?" I repeated, looking back and forth between Lord Himmel and Elise. Despite the brandy, I still felt dazed, like I were in a dream. I tried to shift under the blankets, but my body felt like lead. I winced when I accidentally twisted my left leg.

"You were unconscious for two days," Lord Himmel said bluntly.

I stared at him. "Pardon me, milord?"

"I said, you were unconscious for two days." His lips drew upwards in a sneer. "Don't tell me that you are deaf as well as lame."

"My lord," Elise said sharply.

Lord Himmel's expression immediately softened in regret. "My—apologies, Lady Klaudia," he said. "I—I was just concerned. You had been out for two days, after all."

I studied him carefully. The proud expression was still there, but sincerity was rippling subtly beneath it. "No worries, milord," I answered cautiously. 

He nodded, seemingly relieved. "Anyway, what do you last remember?"

I scrunched my brows together, thinking. I remembered arriving in Heidelburg, the taste of the barrier's power on my tongue; I remembered the city itself, brimming with crowds and activity; I remembered the castle, where Lord Himmel had greeted me, and then he took me to the music room.

The music room. Oh, the flute! "I was playing the flute, then I saw you crying..." I hesitated for a bit—did he really cry? Or was it an imagination of my overwrought mind? "And after that, nothing."

Lord Himmel's eyes snapped towards Elise. "Should I tell her?" he asked.

"Do as you deem fit, my lord." I tried to work out Elise's position. She was garbed in a plain, sensible day gown, and she had no pieces of wealth to indicate her status, yet she spoke with an air of authority.

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