Twin Murder Saga Pt. 1

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Walking through the shining daylight to Baker Street, Madelyn Watson confidently walked up to number 221B and knocked on the door, case file in hand, smiling sweetly. At the door was the great Mrs. Hudson, the landlord of this particular flat. She had blonde hair, always up in a bun. She was a nice old lady, who almost always kept to herself. She smiled at Madelyn.

"Madelyn it's lovely to see you again, dear." Mrs. Hudson greeted.

 "Good morning, Mrs. Hudson is Sherlock in?" Madelyn asked curiously.

"Oh yes, and shooting at the wallpaper again. I swear that man will be the death of me." She stated, letting her in.

 Madelyn walked into the series of apartments, being exactly where she wanted to be. She walked up the first flight of stairs and knocked on the door, hearing shots being fired.

"John, Sherlock! It's Madelyn!" Madelyn called. There was no answer at the door. "John! Open up!" She called, a little more assertive.

Then, as seconds passed, Madelyn's brother, John Watson answered the door.

"Hey Maddie." He smiled even though he looked miserable. Madelyn had noticed that John had bags under his eyes. She knew then that he had been kept up all night, probably from Sherlock's complaining.

"Hello John it's nice to see you." She smiled giving a well-deserved hug. "How've you been? It's been a couple months since I saw you last." Madelyn asked curiously, no longer embracing him.

"As well as can be expected I guess. Sherlock's not too happy though." John answered.

"Of course he'snot happy. He's never happy." Madelyn rolled her eyes.

John chuckled slightly and stood aside from the doorway. "Come in, come in. Make yourself at home."

 As John let Madelyn in, she saw the Great Sherlock Holmes, wallowing in self-pity on the couch curled up in the fetal position. As both John and Madelyn knew, Sherlock was always miserable whenever he didn't have any cases to work on. On the wall behind the couch, there was a yellow smiley face painted onto the intricate designs of the wallpaper along with bullet holes that were randomly shot at it.

 "Uggg! I need a case!" Sherlock yelled anxiously.

 "Sherlock. Get up. I have a surprise for you." Madelyn asked, trying to be as nice as she could.

 Sherlock grumbled, annoyed by Madelyn's incessant need to discuss things with him.

"No. Go away." He said plainly.

 "I'm serious, Sherlock. This is really important. Besides I know you'll LOVE it." She said, losing her patience.

 "I said go away. What part of that don't you understand? Do not speak to me unless you have a case." He asked frustration in his voice.

 "But I..." Madelyn never got the chance to explain.

"Not now, Madelyn!" Sherlock turned around, fierce anger in his eyes, glaring at Madelyn.

 At this point Madelyn wanted to scream and shout and argue with Holmes but she had a better idea. Instead she smiled slyly and started to turn away.

 "Alright then, I guess you don't want a new case..." She hinted, starting to walk away, waiting for his reply. Sherlock instantly shot up like a little kid hearing his favorite word.

 "Case?! What case?"

Madelyn smiled and turned around to face both her brother and Sherlock Holmes.

"Oh nothing. It probably wouldn't interest you anyway." She started to turn around again but Sherlock spoke.

"I don't care. Give it!" He ordered.

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