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I wake up and turn to were Ethan is should be sleeping, but he is not there. I hesitate and get up, I look outside the broken down house and see him being kicked around by the people who raided our vault. I stop and hesitate, i remembered the kid i left in the vault getting beat to death. I'm not going to let that happen to Ethan, not now, not ever. I get my nine mm and check how much ammunition i have. Seven bullets left. Great, I'm surprised they didn't drag me out to. I ran over there and saw about 5 raiders. Damn. I run out and unprepared and take a shot at a raider and miss. BANG! The bullets whiz pass the raider i aimed for, crap. I run for cover and peck to the side.

"Spread out now!" a man said.

I jump up and fire my gun, I shoot a man in the shoulder and he drops to the ground and grunts. I look at the other raider and see her throw a knife, I'm to late to dodge it. I drop to the ground, a horrible pain comes from my left shoulder.

"DAMN IT, YOU DAMN RAIDER!" I scream as i look at my left shoulder finding a knife lodged in my shoulder. Blood then drips from the knife. "I'm gonna kill you GOD DAMN RAIDERS!"

"Run little girl, run."

I then remember the girl that told me that. The one that killed the security guard! I get up and run to the next cover, as i run i fire my bullet, rapid fire. I wasted three bullets on one raider with dynamite lit in his hand. He falls down and BOOM! My ears start ringing as i get to cover.My adrenalin's pumping, I don't Fell the knife anymore. I look over and see the dynamite that was lit killed three raiders, the one i shoot in the shoulder, one with the dynamite, and the one next to the guy that blow up. I see the one that said to split up, and he's running at me. He has a butterfly knife. I then fire my last three bullets at the guys head. he falls to the ground dead. Three bullets in his head, and blood spilling out of the bullet holes. I vomit in my mouth, i swallow it. I run to Ethan, and see him beat. He looks at me his eyes widen. A pool stick goes around my neck and tightens. i struggle and headbutt the person choking me. I look around and see the girl that got me with the knife and said to run. i back away.

"Run little girl, run." she says grinning.

"I'm not a coward anymore."

She run toward me, i hesitate and she wacks me with the pool stick. Wacks again, again and again until i get to my knees. Her sharpened pool stick gets ready to impale me but before she can do so i Grab the Knife pull it out of my shoulder and throw it right at her head. As the knife moves in slow motion in my view, i see the knife hit her head with the handle and not the blade. Damn! She drops the pool stick and covers her forehead from me throwing the knife at her, i scurry across the ground pick up the pool stick and impale her in the stomach.

"I'm not a coward anymore!" i said angry.

"Nice kid, good job," she said.

I let go of the pool stick and crawl to Ethan that's ten feet away. I get to him and look at him in the eyes.

"Hey," he said while coughing.

"i'm so sorry," i then cry and he looks at me.

"I love you," he says. He leans over and kisses me on the lips, i then grab him and kiss him more.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2016 ⏰

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