Winter Stories

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Well.. I hope you guys are ready for a feels trip.


Levi was a light sleeper and especially now that he was a vampire, he doesn't even need to sleep really but sleeping was a good way to pass the time. He a light sleeper and today was no different. 

Silver eyes snapping open with the tiniest creaks of the floorboards of the little cabin. This change, still something he will yet have to get used to. Inwardly groaning at his own reflex mentally he sat up from the couch and pushed off the blankets that kept the warmth in his body--If there was any warmth left to retain at all with this new body he too was still just getting used to. He folded the animal skin blankets with a deep sigh, it seemed like he just had too many things to get used to. 

There was nothing that he could possibly do about it though, he just had to suck it up like a man.

After putting away the blankets he lifted himself up and directly went to Eren's bedroom. The door creaked as he pushed it open. 

Eren was up alright. He was pushing the blankets down as if he was trying to make them shrink or so. His little pink tongue was poking out of his lips out of habit and an action of absolute focus, eyebrows were scrunched up in concentration of pushing the blanket downwards onto the mattress. 

"Eren, what are you doing?" Levi found himself asking, eyebrows raising. 

The little brunet perked up at the call of his name, looking up at his new companion. The man called Levi, who rescued him from the Military Police's clutches was standing with a hand on his hips right on the door. That apathetic look on his face almost made it seem like he was angry and that scared the boy a little but as if reading his mind the expression the man had softened and as if silently he was implying it was alright to say something. The tactic worked like a charm. 

"I-I..I'm uhh.. making the bed." Eren said with a quiet and still quite fearful undertone with his voice. "I'm sorry. I'll be quieter if you like.." He said. His big emerald eyes looking up at Levi like he was that young doe caught in a trap by some hunter. Ironically speaking. Levi was a hunter. A vampire hunter.

Levi tried not to cringe and immediately tried thinking about the bright side of this--this.. this poor cleaning capabilities of this kid. 'He's just a kid. Don't say something rude and scare him.' He reminded himself over and over. "That's not how to make a bed, Eren." He said with most care, and gentleness his cold blooded being could muster. Ugh, kindness. But this was something he had to do. Take care of this kid. 

Eren seemed to get it and stopped beating down the poor blanket. "Oh. I'm sorry. I guess I really don't know anything much about chores.." He said looking down at his bare feet which were slightly halfway covered by the very loose and long pants he had to wear to cover himself up with and was secured by a leather string belt. 

"I'll show you." 

Perking up right away, Eren gave Levi the look of a relieved puppy. That look alone almost made Levi smile himself, almost

"Really? You're not mad?" Eren looked so relieved as if he was expecting the absolute worst from Levi, that's not so strange actually since after all, he was just taken from his tormentors just a day ago. Literally just two days since. There it was again, that pang of guilt in Levi's chest. He really did wish he could just turn back time and take this boy from the Military Police's clutches much sooner. 

Levi walked passed the door and stopped right beside's the small boy. "Why would I be mad? You weren't doing anything bad, kid." He said slowly and took the rumpled blanket. "Look at me okay? You take the corner.. or tips, then you stretch your arms this wide.." He had to pause and look down, finding it quite adorable that Eren was mimicking his actions as well only with an invisible blanket of his own, Levi didn't comment though. "Then you fold it and make sure it's folded on the center." He then flipped it sideways. "Flip it like this, and fold it the same way again sideways.. and repeat it again until the blanket is folded to this much.. then put it on.." He trailed off. The bed was still a mess. "Mhm." 

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