Cold Eyes, Warm Hands

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I'm on a small break. Writing drafts for Repainting a Blank Canvas since I'm working on the plot, trying to make it better.

So I decided to write this first for a while..

And trigger warning.

Enjoy (* ̄︶ ̄*)


Voices. He could hear two voices vaguely, the darkness that clouded him was too thick to decipher what about. It couldn't be a nightmare, his nightmares didn't have peacefulness in them, it could be a dream though.

A dream his mind made up.

Just to have peace.

However the voices only got louder, then suddenly the darkness was chased away by a faint light.

He awoke.


"You got him! I knew to could do it!" An eccentric brunette chimed, patting the taller male on the back rewardingly.

"Tch.." He huffed, slapping her hands away. Cringing at the thought of her touching him, he didn't even know where those hands have been. "Was there ever a doubt?" The dark haired male replied haughtily. The man simply picked up a wooden log and tossed it into the fireplace, to keep the small cabin warm enough for the pesky human who's intruding in his home, if he could even call it home, the warmth provided by the flames were welcome to his new changed body but it wasn't like he needed the warmth anymore, it was more for mild comfort now. It was a strange change he found useful especially as he started living in this area months ago.

"Of course not! Humanity's Strongest strikes again! Woot! Bring in them vampire ladies!" She laughed and elbowed him. "See what I did there champ? Vampire ladies! Since you're well.. Hmm human ladies would still do, meh whatever your kinks--Woah!" She barely dodged a slash of a pocket knife, it cut some strands of her bangs but she didn't appear phased by it. "Chill, Count Dickula.. Jeeeesh, I was joking.."

The male snarled at her. "Hanji, shut the flying fuck up, you'll wake up the kid!" He hissed, she only grinned at her hot headed friend.

"Right, right! So," Hanji started. "About the kid.." Her face turned grim. "Levi, the tests.. They were.." Countless of mixed sperm with different people's DNA, found in one boy.

"I know. You don't have to say.." Levi cut her off. "The entire cell smelled like it." The scent of blood and sex. The bruises marring the boy's naturally tanned skin, the look of fear that haunted Levi's memories when he first saw the kid.. It didn't take a genius to guess what happened behind closed doors. "I only wish I came sooner.. I should've went in there the moment Dr. Yeager and his wife went missing.." Regret, that's what he felt. It was shitty, it was fucking terrible. He knew that those Military Police scum were low, but this is a whole new level of low. Doing this to a child? A fucking kid? That was beyond forgivable.

Hanji watched as silver eyes briefly turned red then flickered back to silver. "Levi, don't stress yourself.. You weren't stable just until recently. You couldn't have done anything." She consoled, patting his shoulder.

Levi glared at the knife he was holding, he twirled it in his palm a bit, then stabbed the wooden table in anger. "This wouldn't have happened if I didn't.." He trailed off. "It's my fucking fault. I made the wrong choice again, like with Isabel and Farlan.. Only this time I ruined an entire family." Levi raked his hands into his raven hair and gripped the strands of hair. "They were good people.. And their son.. God, Hanji. The kid.. I've just ruined that child.."

"Levi, listen to me." Hanji firmly said. "It wasn't your fault. It was something you couldn't do anything about. You're only human."

Levi stared at his friend dead in the eyes.

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