Chapter Nine

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Rose leaned into Kanaya's soft skin, smiling at the rosy smell. "I missed having you around," she whispered.

Kanaya nodded quietly, her arm snug against Rose's waist. "I know. I've missed you too- but lately, I've been so worried about so many things...and you have been too." She sighed. "But things will be better now, now that I'm being honest."

Rose purred softly in her partner's ear. "Any other things you want to tell me?"

Emboldened by the husky whisper of Rose's voice, Kanaya murmured back, "I can think of a few."

Suddenly they were kissing, lips parting, kissing with a hungriness neither of them had ever felt before. Kanaya felt her hands reach into Rose's soft blonde hair, tugging ever-so-gently to elicit a gasp of shock and pleasure from her.

Before any more could happen, however, the door to her room swung open and a tall figure loomed down at the two girls.

"I see you guys made up, huh?" said Vriska with a spider's grin. "How wonderful."

Rose's lilac eyes narrowed in distaste, but Kanaya stayed quiet. "What the h*ll are you doing here?" she growled. "Here to try and ruin things between us again? God, I know you're jealous and whatever, but this is kind of taking it too far."

Vriska rolled her eyes, nose crinkling in annoyance. "Really? You think I'm here because of a silly little love triangle? No one is that petty, not even me. Nah- John sent me. Don't see why he couldn't come himself, but apparently it was so urgent he couldn't be bothered to leave Karkat's sweet lips."

"John? What does John want? Is he okay?" Rose asked, confused. Vriska's response was a halfhearted shrug.

"Listen, I try not to get caught up in all your guys' crazy drama. I have my own messes to worry about- things that actually matter. Just go meet him and figure out whatever wild and wacky antics you guys will get into next." Vriska punctured her last words with a grim smile. 

Kanaya shook her head. "It does seem odd that we all can't just have some peace."

"Maybe we're trapped in a silly teenage novel written by a malevolent author with a penchant for death and torment." Rose said in a monotone, the ghost of a smile creeping alone her black lips. "It sure would explain a lot."

One of the girls rolled her blue eyes at Rose's respone, but Kanaya smiled ever-so-slightly back. Abruptly, however, Rose's phone buzzed- interrupting their moment. 

EB: um rose? did you hear from vriska? kinda need you over here right now

TT: John, honestly, I don't appreciate you using my sworn enemy and bloodthirsty foe as a messenger pigeon. Could you explain what is so urgent?

EB: do i have to?

TT: Did you kiss Dave again or something silly like that? If you did...

EB: rose geez i'm not that dumb! can you just get to the reception? it's about your mom

TT: Well, why didn't you just say so? See you there, John.

EB: *rolls eyes*

Rose smirked despite herself- John was wonderful, but messing with him was one of her favorite hobbies. "So what is it?" asked her girlfriend. "What did John need?"

"Something about my mom." she grumbled in reply. "If I'm lucky, she got drunk and cussed someone out for being a wizard or something equally idiotic." Vriska grinned maliciously at that statement.

"Should I come with you?" Kanaya asked. "You might want some... backup."

Rose, however, shook her head no. "It's alright, darling. I've got my own family problems to deal with- you've got enough on your plate." She then turned to Vriska, the blonde who was smirking wildly. 

"It's so nice to see you two all made up and cuddly again. Just warms my heart." Normally beautiful, her face was contorted into something twisted and ugly at the sight of the couple. Her anger made Rose's heart go cold.

She got up, kissed Kanaya on the cheek, and glared sharply at Vriska. "I'll be back as soon as I can." Rose said softly. "Pester me, okay?"

Kanaya nodded... and Vriska just looked pissed.

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