Chapter Six

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"Was that Vriska? What was she doing here?" He asked, puzzled. 

"It was about Kanaya. She can't come, something about her mom."

"So she sent Vriska to come and talk to you?"

Rose shrugged. "I don't understand it anymore than you do, but that's what happened."

John frowned. "It doesn't sound like Kanaya to send Vriska to you. I've heard from you a million times that they hate each other. Sounds like there's a real problem here."

"Karkat? What do you think?" Rose asked.

The red-haired boy's face was curled into an expression of distaste. "Kanaya is a surprisingly decent human being. I wouldn't want anything bad to happen to her- and I agree with John. There's no way she'd want Vriska of all people to talk to you."

Rose's face was quickly going pale with panic. Something must be seriously wrong here if even Karkat was doubting her girlfriend. "I'm going to go talk to Vriska. Don't tell Mom where I am!"

Not waiting for a reply, she rushed out the church doors in hot pursuit of the Spiderb--tch.

Thankfully, she could still see her. The path from the church doors to the parking lot was surprisingly long and there was a blonde girl only about halfway through.

"Vriska!" Rose called, running towards her. "Wait!"

Vriska turned around, phone in hand and blue eyes flashing with sudden fear. "What do you want?" She asked when Rose stopped in front of her.

"I need to know what's going on with Kanaya."

Vriska's nose wrinkled as she stared at Rose with icy blue eyes. "Nothing's going on. I told you that- her mom got pissed and made her stay home. Nothing less, nothing more."

Rose shook her head, annoyed with Vriska's lying. "If that's it, why did she ask you to come tell me?" It was a loaded question, but it might be the only way to find out the truth.

"Maybe she likes me more than you know." said Vriska coolly. "I know you've heard from her a million times how terrible I am." she added before Rose could speak. "But something happened recently that changed that. Things are better between us now."

Looking at Rose with mock concern, she added, "You aren't jealous, are you?"

"Of course not." growled Rose. She was getting tired of Vriska's bulls--t. 

Vriska smiled, but there wasn't any warmth in it. "Fantastic. I'm sure Kanaya will appreciate your kindness- I know it means a lot to her."

Rose shook her head in exasperation. "If I'm going to be all trustworthy, you might as well tell me what made you and Kanaya so chummy. Must've been pretty good to erase all that anger she had."

She raised her eyebrows in mock-confusion, blue lips pursued. "She didn't tell you what's going on?"

"What's going on?"

Vriska's eyes gleamed with satisfaction. "I guess your relationship isn't as stable as you thought... if she won't even tell you her mom is dying."

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