He called me cute ?!

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Storry its late and short but enjoy !!!!!

Before you read this story. I would like to ask all of you to check out my new book IM OVER HERE MR SOLID plz give it a chance. Vote if you like it and comment on what could be improved thanks :)

dedicated to


casue i LOVEEEEEEEEEEE HER book 'Believe me i'm lying' !!!!!!



"Bad girl bad girl whatcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna do when I come for you" he walked towards my bothers car and sang as if nothing happened. Acting all high and mighty, you might as well have a doughnut while you're at it.

Make sure you take GOOD NOTE of my sarcasm.

I glared at me brother from behind. How dare he let this boy, yes I said 'BOY'- boy handle me, this is despicable to the Kelly race. I also have my own country called Kelleytopiary and if you hadn't figured it out the language is Kel. (All in my imagination)

"Shut up you already caught me. What kind of deranged mind of torture do you have?" I placed my elbows on his shoulder blades and stared at my fat ass brother.

"One that suits a crazy sister who still believes that leprechauns are evil" my brother spoke as he flicked one of my curls in my face. I slapped his hand away and hissed.

"Dude, they don't even exist" big headed Drake chuckled as he clarified Jakes comment.

"I'll have you know that those evil dumpy creatures are twisted and trick children by telling them that there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, when really they snatch them and cook them IN the pot of gold" I annotated in one breath.

Where the hell is Clare? She's supposed to be rescuing the damsel in distress (Jake) before the damsel in distresses sister (me), kills him for not saving me from the devil (Drake).

I had completely zoned out and didn't even notice that Drake and Jake were still talking. How long does it take to get to a car, I mean come on it feels like seconds are flying by. I waved at all of my seconds flying away, causing Jake to wave back at me.

"I'm not waving at you moron, I'm biding farewell to the seconds of my life being wasted by just staying next to you" I roared.

"Calm down tiger" I slapped his back for calling me a tiger. He didn't even shudder. What is he iron man? How cliché?

"I'm a lioness you bucket, get it right" I grumbled.

If you're wondering why I'm letting drake carry me, it is because:

1- He is abnormally strong and won't let go.

2- I am to lazy to walk all the way to the car, so why refuse his gentlemen ness

3- My brother is watching me like a camera to make sure I don't try and escape Drakes hold on me.


"Don't tell me she thinks the same thing about twilight? I bet she's team Edward" Drake asked Jake, who was now standing next to him.

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