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So much love! And 1.9k reads!! *breaks out the champagne and pours it down your throats* Thank you so very much! All your comments and votes force me back even though I am going through a bit of a writer's block right now.

Thanks especially to Raven who's spreading the Good Word on tumblr. You've earned yourself another dedication, missy! (If you are a missy if not I apologize, mister!)

This chapter is a wee bit filler too and completely got away from me. I have the sporty chapters being written as we speak and will try to be more consistent in the New Year.

Thank you for bearing with me!

Merry Christmas Harry, and a Happy New Year <3

The next morning Scorpius woke to Al shaking him.


'There is a girl!'

Scorpius groaned and turned over, pulling Al down for a cuddle. 'There is always a girl Al and sometimes there is a boy. Just go to sleep!'

'No,' Al replied his voice muffled under Scorpius' arm. 'There is a girl, here, in the dormitory!'

Scorpius shot out of the bed, knocking Al straight under the feet of a slightly flabbergasted Jaundice McMillian.

The four other boys he shared his dorm room with stood ramrod straight frozen in the middle of brushing their teeth, fluffing their pillows or in the case of Lionel Bullstrode clutching his disturbingly salmon knickers just in front of his unmentionables.

The Slytherin dormitories spanned outwards around the circumference of the dungeon common room like scaley petals around a draconian centre. One hundred and eighty degrees of it belonged to the girls while the other belonged to the boys.

Just like in all house dormitories, the girls could wander in and out of the Slytherin boys dormitories at will, while any boy who tried to approach the girls dormitories was caught by metal chains that hung the length of the previously mentioned one hundred and eighty and suspended said boy from his ankles like a juicy delicacy on a spider's web until the next morning when a teacher could determine the nature of the intended visit and meter out suitable punishment.

Boys at various times in their lives at Hogwarts had protested the skewed unfairness of this arrangement. What if countless innocent boys were murdered in their beds should one of the girls just happened to wake up on the wrong side of their bed?

The administration at all these times, offered the petitioners a biscuit and waved them away.

Scorpius recalled all this where he stood, acutely aware that he will be wearing Al's 'Potter Don't Stink Now Eh?' tee shirt on the day a girl finally murders them all in their beds.

Then he recognised her.

'I am apologising for coming so early to disturbing you – ' The Pablo Something Something Quidditch Captain gestured about her, 'and uh, your, how you say? Comrades?'


'I came before matches starting to ask forgiveness from your good self about my comrade last night! And offer uh, token? Yes token of begging forgiveness!'

When no one reacted the small girl shook back her brown and gold ringlets walked to the end of the dorm from where she pushed a pile of boxes as tall as herself until they were right in front of Scorpius.

'Token.' She huffed.

'Uh...' replied Scorpius.

There was an awkward pause.

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