Chapter Two:Lost

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"Wake up. Wake up Lala! " Blaze said. "I'm up I'm up I'm up!" Lala said. " Where are we?" Lala asked. "We are at my house." Blaze said. " Wow your house is so huge!" Lala said. Lets go to my room.'' Blaze said. While they went up to Blaze's room, Blaze felt that fealing again. Blaze said,'' Don't go in there go outside with me.'' ''Ok'' Lala said. "We meet agian Blaze. Ready for our battle or are you afraid." Lura said. " "I'm not afraid to fight at all." Blaze said. " Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! " Blaze and Lala said. Blaze and Lala had just fell into a portel that Lura maid.

"Where the heck our we Blaze?" Lala said." Blaze said, I think we are lost in the Lava Chanber. The Lava Chamber is where the person who got stuck in has to fight 10 monsters then fight her. Here is monster #1.'' Blaze said. '' (Hiss) I am Dusa the Snake Queen'' Dusa said.
Lala said,'' Snake Queen more like Garden hose Queen. Ha ha ha.'' Blaze knocked Lala's head and said,'' Don't make her mad as mad as she already is. Anyway lets just start the battle. Lala go hide where you won't get hurt.''

''Ok I will go sit out of the ring and cheer for you. Good thing I packed my old old old old cheer outfit with me.''Lura said. Blaze charged at Dusa with her fire sword. '' Dusa has 8 arms. So if I cut her arms of one by one and I will beat her.'' Blaze said in her mind. Blaze went to the left and chopped off the first arm. "Aaaaaàah! Dusa screamed. Why the heck did you do that!" Blaze said, l did that to show you how strong I am." You didn't believe me at first. I warned you.

Then, Blaze went to the right and cut off another one of her arms.
"Yeah go Blaze. Go Blaze. Go Blaze yeah!" Lala said. After that Blaze cut off two arms this time. Then she cut off three of them. Blaze tried to cut off the last arm but it was tricky. Dusa keep hitting her. '' How am I going to cut her last arm. Darn it.'' Blaze said. Lala said, '' Come on Blaze you can do it. You go girl,wooo! ''Blaze said,'' There, I cut them off, all of them. There is nothing you can fight with. Give up, or you will suffer.'' Blaze said angrly. '' I will never give up! I will fight to the very end.'' Dusa said. Blaze used her Fire Blast on Dusa. ''

''Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Dusa screamed. Blaze had blasted and sliced Dusa apart. Blaze fought 9 monsters but she had one more to fight. ''Ok, who is the last one?'' Blaze thought. Finnaly the last monster came her name is Luna the Ice monster. '' I am Luna the Ice monster. I am the strongest, fastest monster out of the nine monsters you have fought.'' Luna said. '' Your such a show off ! Blaze said to Luna. You expect me to belive that you are the fastest monster. I don't think you are a fast and strong monster, I think you are a fool for trying to fight me. '' Blaze said. '' You just think your so confindent. I will freeze you, crush you, and beat you. Are you affraid.'' Luna said sharply. Blaze bagan to fight Luna. Blaze vs Luna begins now.


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