Chapter 1

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"Hurry up Hurry Up!" Omar yelled as he rushed outside the main door. I could see how hyped he was about the whole thing, and that's the thing about best-friends; they get more excited about things related to you than you could ever get and let me tell you, Omar was one of those people who crave excitement, always in a mood to do something big.
I guess he loved the rush of it and I loved him. How couldn't I not? We've been friends since we were five. He'd been there with me through everything! First day of school, first crush, first heartbreak, first F's in math exams, first cast on my arm when I dislocated it and then the second time too, graduating high-school, Attending our dream university together and now. Now.
 And I wouldn't wish anyone to be here beside me as I pull this off.

Hope everything goes as planned. I prayed.

I exited the building, and saw Omar busy with the other boys working on their cars like they were supposed to. I came towards the parking lot where the show was about to go down and saw how we were almost done with the arrangements.

"Muzammil!" A few girls from my class called from above the building. They were on the roof of our campus's building with my buddy Ehaab working on hanging the Christmas lights. I looked up and they all popped their head giving me the thumbs up. And with that the lights went on; laminating the entire parking. It looked beautiful and it was perfect.
I gave thumbs up back to them and winked at Ehaab who looked all smiley and goodish with the group of girls; Sarah his ultimate crush was one of them and I made sure they wound up together somehow, So I sent her along with Ehaab to work on the lights.

Yes! My brain yelled. I could feel my heart race.It was happening. I am about to do this. God this can't be real, this day is finally here.

I took the phone out of my pocket and started texting:

Hey! I am chilling with Omar in the parking lot. Pick me up from here for dinner. Omar's about to leave so hurry up x

A minute later I got the reply:

Parking lot near the east side right? Sure will be there in 10 mins. Oh and Maze... can't wait to see you <3

I felt my heart do a backflip reading her reply. Well my heart has been doing the backflips since the past couple of years and it was until these few weeks, I'd gather up the courage to man up and do something about it. And now is the day when I do.

I whistled bringing everyone to spring into action. Omar and I get into position, Ehaab turns off the Christmas lights bringing the area back into darkness. My classmates got into their cars waiting for the signal, the girls who helped with other important arrangements snuck into their own cars and everyone started shushing the other to keep low and stay quiet. I  try to do the same but my heart is pounding so hard that I feel it might burst out any second.
As planned, Omar and I are resting against his car until I hear another car approaching. My legs are shaking and Omar volunteers to help me keep my pants from falling off. I turn around to spot her in the driving seat of the car. Oh boy.

She looks beautiful. Humna looks beautiful. Though I could barely see; with the only source of light being the crappy street lamp but she does. Heck! She always does. And now she is smiling at me as she turns off the engine of her car and is walking towards us. I smile back at her helplessly wondering how my cheeky face is probably giving away how nervous I am to see her.
I could see a hint of redness on her cheek as she's approaching me. I make a move to get closer to her keeping less distance between us as possible but also trying not to make her uncomfortable. I just want to look into those beautiful brown eyes before I ...

The headlights of Omar's car turn on bringing Humna to warry but before she could see past the light to what's going on, four more cars turn on their headlights making her realize that we are standing in the center with all of them surrounding us. I motion towards her to look on the ground at where we are standing and as I hoped, she gasps.
The enormous red shaped heart; courtesy of my pals from the art department, is beautifully drawn on the ground decorated with white and pink petals. Humna looks up with her mouth forming a cute O and with that the Christmas light turns on and the soft music starts playing from the stereos' of the cars surrounding us. Humna who has finally adjusted her eyes to the bright lights around us, looks at me in awe. Taking that as a signal I go down on one knee.
I could see the surprise look on her face. Covering her mouth with her hand she tries to calm down. I could see the tears forming in her eyes and I know it's out of love.

"Humna Raza" I smile as I say her name.

She nods her head in such a cute manner that I let out a laugh. Shuffling through the pocket of my coat I take out the red velvet box and opening to reveal the ring in front of her.

"Will you make me the luckiest man on the earth and say yes to being mine... forever?" My voice is shaky but I somehow try not to choke on my words and say it out loud.

"Maze... Muzammil I- I..." Humna mummers through the tears running down her face but all I can focus on that pretty genuine smile she's giving it to me. "Yes Of course Yes!" nodding her head in a yes, before bending down on both knees, and now we are both smiling like goofs.

"Wohoo!" The whole building yells happily as they get out their hiding places gathering around us, as I slip the ring on Humna's finger. Omar gives me a high five and I thank everyone for their part in making this proposal possible.

"Muzammil" Humna snuggles against my shoulder as we make our way towards the car, waving everyone goodbye.

"Yes Moons" I tease her lovingly with her childhood nickname.  

"You did ask your parents- My mom she..." I know where she was going with this but little did she know...

"Let's just say how my parents and your mom is waiting back at my place where our actual engagement party is getting planned" I laugh at her expression.

"Maze! You sneaky little ..." she yells but before she could wound my shoulder with her hand, I hold onto both of her hands and pull her towards me. Humna blushes at my response and tries to wiggle her hand from my grip, I laugh at her struggle as I come closer planting a kiss on her forehead and took a moment before looking into her eyes. She smiles shyly bringing my heart to fill up with happiness once more. And in this moment I know this is the best my life could ever be. I found my forever and this forever feels amazing.

The Pak Squad ( A Military Tale)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu