golden curls under a liquid red blanket

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Lisbon opens her eyes. Van Pelt was sitting in front of her with a huge smile on her face,.
“Hi Boss,” she says happily. She probably knew what was passing through Lisbon’s mind, but she knew her well enough to know it’s better not to ask.
“Excuse me ma’am, I’m Robert Elgart, your doctor. You’ve got a broken ankle and your partner told me you were suffering with a headache. It’s probably because of stress, so we will keep you here 1 night more in order for you to recover from it and then you can go back to work. Is this alright with you?” Robert asks.
“Ummmm, yes... I guess,” Lisbon is too confused to answer, she’s still thinking about what happened a minute ago and how her heart reacted to it.
“Ok then. If you excuse me I need to go to check my other patients, call me if you need anything,” he says and goes out of the room.
“Boss, I suppose you’re hungry. I didn’t know what to bring you but Jane told me to buy you a Cesar salad, a coffee, and a bunch of strawberries,” she says at the same time she serves them on a tray.
How was it possible she knew her so well, it’s just perfect. She eats it all, and the amount of food was perfect too, it isn’t too much or too little.
It’s about 7 o’clock now, Van Pelt is sleeping on the sofa. Where is Jane? Why is he taking so long? She doesn't know what to talk about with Van pelt. It had been 3 hours since she’d finished her lunch and the only chatting they had done was about the last case.
Lisbon’s eyelids start closing softly and with every blink Jane’s face came to her thoughts, finally she sleeps.

Where is she? She is running so fast but she doesn’t know from what or to whom. A feeling of fear and adrenaline is all over her body. She can’t stop running she wants to but she can’t. All she knows is she can’t stop until she gets there… Blood is all over the floor and it leads her to a dead body. She can only recognise golden curls hiding under a liquid red blanket. She starts sweating and crying profusely, her heartbeat raises to the sky and she can’t approach the body, it’s like something is holding her back.
She wakes up crying but fear doesn’t let her open her eyes. She is confused. She can’t recognise where she is. Tears are all over her face. She moves furiously trying to wake up and come to reality, she’s fighting with herself when someone hops to the bed beside her, crosses his arms around her body and brings her to his chest.
“Shhh, Lisbon, shh. Everything is fine. Wake up. You’re safe in here, I won’t late anything happen to you,” a soft, lovely voice says at the same time he plays with her hair.
She can recognise the sweet smell, and the relaxed beating of his heart. She hides her face in his chest and brings herself more onto his body. She knows where she is, she is home.

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