Vault 221

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Hello readers hope you like the story next chapter will be bloody FYI this is based of of the game Fallout 3.

Hello, my name is Zoey. I am a vault dweller of an underground community called Vault 221. My life here has sucked. The reasons why is because I am stuck here obeying the Overseer, and i have no family, i think they are still alive but in the wasteland. Also, if you are wondering what an overseer is it is the one who keeps the vault operating and keeps us safe. I have attempted to escape millions of times but i always fail. I am 17 and the year is 2289. A long time ago America had a nuclear war with China, and no one had won that battle. Now it is a wasteland.

It is January 23, 2289 and today is my G.O.A.T test today. A G.O.A.T test decides what you personally specialize in and what job you get in this damn vault. I get to the class and take a seat. The professor then hands out the test. "Okay lets do this", i say.  "Also their are no wrong answers to the test", said the professor.

Question one says: A radroach is in the vault and it doesn't see you, what do you do.

A) Stomp on its head

B) Tell a security guard before it harms people

C) Don't mind it and walk away

D) Feed it

I circled A

Question two says: Your 83 year old grandma tells you to kill a vault member of 221 with a revolver, what do you do.

A) Obey your elders

B) Slap your grandma and say your freaking crazy

C) Tell a security guard

D) Back away and say you have to go

I circled B

Question three says: You have a infection on your right leg and the doctor leaves the room and won't come back, the infection on the right leg is spreading eventual leading you to death, what do you do.

A) Scream for help

B) Poke at the infection

C) Do nothing

D) Try to make your leg better

I would have done A so i circled it

Question four says: A vault member of 221 comes up to you and starts punching you, what do you do.                                                                                                                                                                                  

A) Run away

B) Let him hit you and keep asking to stop it

C) Call for help

D) Grab the nearest thing and start fighting

I circled D definetly

Question five says: Their is candy in a locker and you want it, what do you do.

A) Grab a sawed off shotgun from your dads drawer and shoot the lock off

B) Ask the owner for the candy

C) Trade something for the candy

D) get a bobby pin and pick the lock

I circled number D                                                                                                                                                                        

Question six says: One of your favorite things to play with breaks, what do you do.

) throw it at the wall with anger

B) Throw it in the trash

C) try to fix it

D) get a new toy

I did C

Question seven says: You want to go to a show and you have no money, what do you do.

A) Steal money from another Vault member of 221

B) Start crying

C) Sneak in

D) Ask your family for money

I circled C        

Last question eight says: Who is the leader of vault 221, cares for us, and keeps us safe.

A) The overseer

B) The overseer

C) The overseer

D) The overseer

I circled D

I then got up from my seat and handed my test to the professor and he said, "you will get your results tomorrow. I left class and went to my room and slept.

Next day

i forgot to describe a little about the vault. Well its like a maze, halls, and halls everywhere. Our technology is amazing. We have different doors they go down. We also have reactor rooms and generators. 

I got up then went to my class and picked up my test and it say i will be good with small guns, melee, agility, and charisma. Also it says my job will be a barber. Are you kidding me a barber, why that, why not a cook at least. Great. Later that day my BFF Jade came to me and said that she is going to be a scientist. Wow i think in my head. After she got done talking to me i went to my room and went to my secret alcohol stash and drank my beer secretly so i don't get in trouble. Then i go so drunk i passed out.

I hope you like my stories. I will be writing more! Also the next chapter will be BLOODY!!!!!

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