Chapter 1

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Hi everyone hope you like :D

Chapter 1


As I sat there at the airport waiting for my plane it made me wonder if I had mad the right decision running away from everyone and everything I knew. My head was spinning a million thoughts swimming around like a goldfish stuck in a small bowl what should I do I thought to myself as my flight was called i picked up my bags and decided ......

I should probably rewind a bit give you all an idea of why I eneded up here and why I wanted to leave so badly.

My name is Jessica or Jessie for short I have an amazing group of friends and an amazing family or at least I thought i did only I thought friends and family were supposed to support you through anything obviously I thought wrong.

It all started a year and a half ago when my parents decided to up sticks and move to California I was 16 and an only child who had been moved around enough already my dad's company moved him all over the place and my mum and me moved with him. I never really had any real friends as I didnt see the point since I had no Idea when we were going to be moved next but this move to california was different from all the rest this was for good or so my dad thought.

I enrolled in school at east calli high which was lovely the building was amazing way beyond what I had ever imagined it was so easy to get lost around here. I knew this school was different to the others by the way it felt when I walked through the door I instantly felt confident and like I could achieve anything and like most 16 year olds I felt invincible.

 My first day went well I was introduced to Grace who was a grade A student and part of the girls cross country team she was lovely and very pretty, she was asked to help me out around the school just as well because if it wasnt for her I would have definalty gotten lost as soon as I left the office that morning Grace was in all of my classes and our personalities clicked right away.

Grace was one of those girls who didnt really need make-up but she wore it anyway, she had huge brown eyes and a lovely slim figure her hair looked amazing she it was curled into small ringlets which fell to about shoulder length and a lovely sandy colour.

That lunchtime I was introduced to a few or Grace's friends, her best friends Hayley and Brooke Both of whom were just as pretty as Grace. Brooke was slim built with gorgeous red hair which was cut in to a small bob and hayley was slightly curvier than the other girs with very dark hair which had definalty been dyed as you could see her natural brown roots starting to come through. All of the girls made me feel very welome and has lovely personaltites. 

When I got home from school that day I couldnt stop smiling, I had never had such a good first day at any of my schools or had any one want to make friends with me. Alhough it had only been one day I could feel this place was right and I was going to love it here.

"Jessica-May is that you ?"

"No its jessie, Who's Jessica-may?"

If there was one thing I hated in life more than being moved around it was being called Jessica-May, I mean she wants be called mum and I dont call her Mary god she's so anoying!

"oh very funy dear your teenage sarcasim never gets old, If we had wanted you to be called jessie we would have christened you jessie, in this house its Jessica- May or nothing young lady"

"ok mary" I muttered under my breath

"what was that dear"

"nothing mother"

That woman definatly has super sonic hearing I thought to myself.


 After my long but great first day at school a night in with a dvd sounded very rewarding but in my house you can guarantee thats never going to happen.

"Jessica-May, can you come downstairs the new nighbours have come to say hello"

"Just coming mum"

As I said never any peace and quiet in my house although its always nice to meet new people, On the way down the stairs I could here a yound males voice im my living room which was just typical as I was lounging around in my pyjamas.

"This is my daughter Jessica-May, Jessica this is the jonses from next door"

"Hi Mr & Mrs Jones its nice to meet you and you can just call me jessie thanks"

"Its lovely to meet you too jessie, So what do you think of east calli high? are you enjoying it?"

"Yes thanks its brilliant met some lovely people already"

"Im glad you are fitting in, we have two son's and a daughter at east calli high, unfortunatly they were unable to come over with us tonight but we shall send them along to meet you all"

"That would be brilliant thank you, I love making friends"

"Anyway Jessie, Mary We better be getting home this night but we are having a barbeque at the weekend feel free to stop along and meet some more of the neighbour hood"

"Thank you very much we will certainly pop along"

"It will be nice to see you.saturday at 6 if your interested, bye for now"

"Bye thank you for stopping along"

As lovely as the neighbours are all I could think about through that whole conversation was my bed and thats where I was going to head to prepare for another day at east calli high.

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