Edward's Story

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Edward stood up quickly and hoisted himself up the little wall. He turned and without second thought picked Elizabeth up by the waist and set her down behind him. By now the knight was nearly to them and Edward drew his sword, taking a few steps backward with his left hand stretched out behind him. The knight climbed the last rock and stood before Edward, his sword drawn as well.

"Show yourself!" Edward demanded. The knight lifted his visor, and no sooner had he done so that Edward rushed on him, knocking him off balance. "WHY DID YOU KILL THEM?!" He roared, and looked very much like he might run the knight through with his sword. The knight was apparently merciless; he made to thrust his own sword into Edward's side; but Edward was quick, and deflected it with his own weapon. They fought each other; both with his own advantages and disadvantages. The knight was armoured; but Edward the better fighter. The knight had more protection; but Edward more adrenaline. One thing, though, was the main reason Edward did not see the same fate as his family; not his skill nor his adrenaline, but the favour of the LORD his God and Saviour and Protector.

"Why have you come here?" Edward asked angrily as they fought. The knight spoke for the first time. His voice was low and heartless; you could feel his cruelty and hatred in it. "I came to complete my task," he replied, slashing Edward's arm. He was slowly gaining on the other.

Elizabeth watched horrified as Edward received wound after wound, which grew more and more serious; from scratches to cuts to gashes. Finally the knight hit him in the chest with the butt of his sword, and Edward fell on his back. The knight pinned Edward's right hand to the ground with the tip of his sword, and his left with his foot. "Any last words, West?" the knight asked tauntingly. Edward said nothing; the other removed his sword from Edward's hand to slit his throat. Edward, however, would not give up so easily. As soon as his hand was freed, though it was badly wounded, he grasped his own sword and thrust it into the knight's side. The chain mail prevented it from being a very serious wound, but while the knight was distracted Edward leapt to his feet. His opponent was still at an advantage, and Edward was slowly forced towards the rough rock wall. He moved so that he stood in front of Elizabeth, determined to keep the knight from harming her. But as the swords flew, Edward found himself having to move even further and further back, closer and closer to Elizabeth, until one step more and he would touch her. He had been fighting with his left hand, and he pushed his right hand slightly backwards; grasping Elizabeth's for a moment before putting all his effort into the fight and beginning to move forward. Edward slowly began to dominate.

Elizabeth looked down at her hand. It was covered in blood. Edward's blood. Horrid; horrendous; horrific; blood. Elizabeth stared at it, terrified and appalled, until she heard a shout and looked up. The Knight lay on the ground, his sword lay out of reach, and his helmet had been knocked off. Edward stood over him, the point of his sword at the other's throat. "You've tried before, and I'd thought you'd learnt your lesson. Now I mean to make it you die learning it."

Elizabeth suddenly screamed, "Edward!" She breathed heavily. "Don't kill him, Edward," she commanded, but Edward grew irritated with her. "He killed my family! He killed my loved ones, and yet, you would have me spare him?"

"Edward, what if he's got a son who will be forever torn if you kill him, like you?"

Edward merely grew more upset at this. "My father was not a horrid, wretched, bloodthirsty murderer, Elizabeth!" He yelled.

Elizabeth replied calmly, "All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. None is righteous, no not one. Perhaps your father was not like this man, Edward, but if you kill him, you will become like him. Killing him makes you no less than a murderer yourself."

Edward glanced at the Knight and slowly removed his sword from his neck. The Knight relaxed. Edward picked up his opponent's sword and hissed, "Go. Go before I turn back into an avenging madman."

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