Adrian Again

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When Elizabeth woke up, she was perfectly normal. Edward instructed the others not to mention any of the previous night's happenings, and she didn't seem to remember it. Edward, on the other hand, was none the better. He kept hearing Elizabeth's voice echoing in his head, repeating most often, "He's gone. Da's gone, Ed!" Sometimes he would see flashes of things; a fire, most often. It was really all quite traumatizing, and Elizabeth wouldn't have been able to handle it, but no one even noticed any change in Edward.

Adrian wasn't quite sure what to do after what Elizabeth had said to him, but she wanted him with her nearly always, and he soon regained his normal state of action around her.

One thing, however, did change about Elizabeth, and that was that she was a bit more civil towards Edward, and even went as far to let him call himself her brother (after he had convinced her that sometimes certain siblings detest each other and bicker non-stop). Once, while Adrian was away, he said to her in a very serious tone, "Elizabeth, I really think you ought to tone down your relationship with Adrian."

"Why?" she asked, rather annoyed. "We're just friends; he's even like my other brother, y'know, the one I do like."

Edward looked pained for a moment, but then he crouched so that he was eye level with Elizabeth, his eyes penetrating hers. He said very gravely, "I don't trust him."

Elizabeth was rather taken aback. "What—what do you mean?" she asked cynically. Edward kept up his piercing glare and said, "I mean I think he's a cheater, a liar, and a flirt and I don't think he's worth your time. I'm telling you this because I care about you and I know what will happen and how much it will hurt you." He couldn't have chosen any worse words than, 'I care about you.' He might as well have said that he loved her, and that was certainly not how he was going to get her to listen to him.

Elizabeth seemed flustered and upset by this speech, and blurted out, "I bet you're just jealous."

Edward raised an eyebrow and said, "Maybe I am, but that's doesn't matter. The point still stands, and either way I don't trust him; I know what he's like." He then stood up, and with a sorrowful glance at Elizabeth, left.

Adrian was signed up for the monthly trip to the market, and the end of October was bringing a new month near. The day before Adrian was to leave, Elizabeth had one of her attacks and was inclined to stay in bed. So on the morn of his departure, Adrian came to see her before Mrs Alsterston, a talkative woman quite handy with makeup, was to put on his disguise. After saying his goodbyes, Adrian stood to go, but Elizabeth called him back. "Adrian,"

He turned, "hmm?"

"Just don't get yourself killed, alright?" she said with a smile.

"Why would I do that?" He replied with his dashing grin. "Bye, Liz." Quite suddenly he kissed her, and then he was up and gone.

Edward, who had been watching rather amusedly, now addressed Elizabeth, "Brother's don't usually snog their sisters."

"Oh, shut up," Elizabeth replied exasperatedly, "It's not like I had any choice, he snogged me!"

"No, but you didn't seem to mind it." Edward replied. Elizabeth blushed slightly at this, and Edward suddenly dropped to his knees, staring seriously at her. "Lizbeth, listen to me. Why won't you listen to me?! Why am I the only sane person in the world and the only person you won't listen to?! Elizabeth, please, please, please! It's for your own good! Listen, either you explain to him that your relationship is a civil, friendly one; even stop being friends with him altogether, or he'll stretch you to his advantage, and one day he'll let go, and mind you, Elizabeth, that snap'll hurt. And the further you let him stretch you, the worse it'll hurt when he finally lets go. You've got to let go of him. He's not worth your time, Elizabeth. You deserve someone far better. Just please, listen!" He ended in a near sob.

Deep down, something in Elizabeth wanted her to heed what Edward was saying, but her pride got the better of herm and she just sneered.

Edward stood up, turning his face away so Elizabeth wouldn't see how much this had hurt him. That one little twitch of the mouth brought him more pain than a stab to the heart or being burned alive ever could. It only made it worse that he could look in her eyes and tell that she meant it; that she didn't care what he thought. He stood with his back to her for a moment, biting back the tears that came anyways. For the first time in ten years, Edward West was crying.

After a moment Edward said, "Why do you hate me?" He turned around. "Why do you hate me so much?"

"I don't hate you." Elizabeth answered truthfully. Edward walked over to her. "Alright, why don't you like me then?"

Elizabeth shifted uncomfortably. "You just—try to push yourself on to me," She tried to explain, "Trying to make friends, and then wanting to be my 'brother' and, I dunno," she finished lamely. Edward nodded. "Alright them. Can I just be the doctor? Dr West and nothing more to you. You only see me when you're sick and then I help you. Just the doctor, what?"

Elizabeth shrugged indifferently. Edward's smiled returned somewhat and he turned and left her. He walked sullenly into the large room the men shared, and sat down on a suitcase next to his uncle who was reading. Xavier Rowe looked up from his book and asked, "what troubles you, son?"

Edward's frown deepened slightly. "It's Adrian." He said. "I don't—I don't trust him. I've tried to talk to Elizabeth about it, but she's just so stubborn. Won't hear a word I say." He perked up suddenly. "Do you—you think you could talk to her?"

His uncle smiled. "I don't think she should listen to me either, if she thought you had sent me."

Edward shook his head. "No, not like that," he said. "Couldn't you speak to her, of your own accord, that is?" Something in the look his uncle gave him made him ask suddenly, "Don't you agree with me? Don't you think Adrian's just using her for himself? And what Elizabeth said that night—"

"I thought he was a very nice young man," the Reverend cut in. "But no, don't be sore, son. Son, you have a gift. You can understand what people are like better than others can. But won't the child listen to you?"

Edward shook his head mournfully. "She doesn't like me," he sighed. His uncle raised an eyebrow and asked suddenly, "Have you feelings for the child?"

Edward shook his head vehemently. "Oh, no, not like that; not at all like that," he hastened to say. "She just—," he hesitated. "She reminds me of Lizzy," he finally said softly. Rev. Rowe nodded solemnly. "Do you know her middle name?" He asked quietly.

"No," Edward answered, confused at the question. "Why? What is it?"

Xavier Rowe paused before answering, "Isabelle." He then stood and left Edward, who, shocked, was repeating in a whisper, "Elizabeth—Elizabeth Isabelle—Isabelle—Elizabeth... Isabelle...Peterson. No, no, 'can't be." He smiled suddenly and prayed in a whisper, "Thank you, LORD."

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