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"I could possibly- A strong force suddenly pushed me to the ground as my notebook fell from my hands and landed on the hard concrete floor."

"What the hell?"

-December 31st-

"What the hell?"

"I'm so sorry, I'm such a fool. Here let me help you up" A mans voice blurted.

I looked up to see a boy around my age dressed in black jeans, a buttoned up brown coat and a black beanie. He had deep green eyes the color of leaves at the end of July, rosy pink heart shaped lips, flushed cheeks from the cold, dark curly locks and rings on each of his fingers which I noticed on his arm that he extended to help me up.

Just because he was attractive didn't mean I had liked him any more though. I knew if Jen was here she would have happily lied down on the ground herself just to have him extend his arm to her. I however was not Jen.

I pushed myself off the ground and stood up  ignoring his gesture to help. "Are you okay?" His deep voice asked with concern. "I'm fine" I snapped at him. "Just fine."

I saw him bend down to retrieve my notebook and pen as I picked up my bag and everything that fell from it. I grabbed whatever was scattered on the ground and stood up to see the stranger holding my notebook open in his hands.

I instantly snatched the book from his reach. "So you push me to the ground first then go looking through my stuff?" I flared. "Why didn't you consider love?" He asked me out of the blue, completely ignoring my anger. "Are you completely insane?" I asked him as easily as I could, baffled by his question. Was this boy mental or was he just having some pre new year fun on me? I saw him hold back a laugh as he grinned at me with humor in his eyes. God, it was like dealing with an obnoxious high school boy. "I don't have time for this whatsoever" I muttered moving out of his way.

"Wait!" He yelled, after I had walked past him. "What?" I turned back for god knows why. "My names Harry" he grinned. I looked at him stand there in his oversized boots and dark beanie that covered his wild locks with that stupid wide grin plastered on his face as he introduced himself and couldn't help but laugh. He was annoying and a waste of time, but for the first time today he truly made me laugh. He laughed too and I bet we looked like a pair of idiots. "Well you're drunk Harry" I laughed once more as I turned my back and walked through the busy street.

After what felt like a lifetime I opened the door to my apartment and collapsed on my bed. How am I going to do this. I opened my notebook once more prepared to stare at the four familiar words for the next three hours but stopped. There were five words on the page. I scanned the words. Evolution?? Reproduction?? Happiness?? Religion?? Love?

It took me no more than five seconds to link everything together and realize that the goofy boy on the street had scribbled down a new meaning to life in my notebook. I thought back to when he asked me why I didn't consider love and I asked him if he was insane and laughed at myself internally. God, I bet I was the one that looked insane. 

I stared at the scribbled word standing out on that page for a long time and debated whether or not to erase it for an even longer time. He was a confident guy, I can give him that. He had the audacity to open my notebook and write something in it with me still picking up my mascara and pack of gum off the ground like a fool. But I couldn't figure out whether or not he was just a silly boy on the streets or a helping hand in my mission that was soon running out of time. I glanced at the clock and back at my notebook before leaving Harry's messy handwriting resting on the horizontal line untouched. 

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