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-December 31st-

What is Life? What is the point of life?

My hand ached and my mind was pounding at the heartbeat as I struggled to scribble down my thoughts on the countertop of a crowded bar. It was almost the beginning of a new year and in a few hours at the countdown the whole city will be chaotic.

Jen had insisted I come down to the bar with her to meet some guys before midnight but I would really rather be anywhere but here. I needed utter silence at this minute, I needed to be left alone with my thoughts instead of having to share them with a room of drunks and small minded people.

"Would you put that notebook down for gods sake, Julie" Jen pleaded, approaching me with her green shimmery dress that swayed along with her hips and outlined her waist and her six inch heels that hit the floor with every step she took. "I need to write Jen" I mumbled, staring back at the yet to be filled horizontal lines. "God you're no fun" Jen huffed. "At least come dance" she suggested before pulling me up to my feet instantly. "No! Jen I don't dance!" I protested, pushing myself back to the chair.

"Fine, fine. If you really don't want be here then you can go. Write, find out the meaning of life, whatever you wanna do, go crazy Einstein. But before that clock reaches 12am you're gonna put the notebook down, find yourself a short dress with some heels and meet me right here okay?" I felt an instant breath of relief wash over me."Oh my gosh, thank you" I exhaled before giving Jen a quick hug and grabbing my pen and notebook and rushing out the door into the cool air of December.

I looked back to the four words that rested on the lines of the notebook. Evolution, reproduction, happiness, religion. Maybe I was completely crazy for believing that with just four words and three hours I could figure out the philosophical meaning of life but I needed to do something. I want to make an impact on the world. Thats what I want to do, and I need to do it before the new year. I've spent way too many years wasted. 

I could possibly- A strong force suddenly pushed me to the ground as my notebook fell from my hands and landed on the hard concrete floor.

"What the hell?"

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