Chapter Six!

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So how many of you think that you can guess exactly how Reima's parents died? Kuremeahs past has a secret and there's clues in the pic at the side but I probably wont tell you until a couple more chapters. Anyways, here's chapter six.


*Third person P.O.V*

Gaara leaves the hospital room with Kankuro in front of him. He knew that she looked familiar! When he had heard the news about what happened to the Hidden Wolf Village,he thought that the worst had happened to the girl who had showed him kindness. It made him bitter to think that such horrible things could happen to such a nice person. Yet here she was, alive and...well alive at least.

As he makes his way into his office Gaara notices the two anbu who had been sent out to try and retrace Reima's footsteps, standing in the center of the room with a small pack.

"What did you find?"

"We didn't find anything in the desert...but when we checked the forest we found one spot that was partially destroyed. It appeared that a paper bomb went off and some trees were blown to bits. Also," he holds up the bag "We found this a ways away from the sight, we found the bodies of some ninja with the same mark on their headbands as the girl's."

'So the Hidden Wolf Village still lives' Kankuro thinks to himself. "Is that all?"

The second Anbu shakes their head, "Along with the bodies we found large wolf prints and a trail of blood next to them....sir I don't know how to say this but there is very little chance that she was the one who took those men out. There was a lot of blood on that trail, within a few minutes anybody would have lost conciousness due to that much loss of blood."

"What are you getting at? Do you think that she had someone shadowing her?" Kankuro asks irritably, other than her wolf, she was alone. Then again she could have just summoned that other one, no they said that there was only one set of tracks.

"If someone was shadowing her then they wouldn't have left her like that in the sand storm to die, what would be the point of helping her with the other ninja?" Gaara states in a seriouse tone. He knew that she wasn't telling them everything. She had a secret that was crucial to the puzzle, all they had to do was get it out of her.


*Reima's POV*

Three hours, three hours of waiting since the cry-fest and my food still isn't here. I sigh in annoyance and swing my legs over the side of the bed after I take the stupid IV's out of my arms, "Banshee help me out, I don't think they have crutches in here."

He gets up in a hurry and puts his neck under my arm just in time to catch me as I slide off.

"Where are you going Reima? You shouldn't be moving around yet!"

I scoff and start to limp to the door. He has nothing to be worried about, I'm totally fine.

"So I got a couple of scrapes and lost some blood. Hey no pain, no gain right? Maybe now I'll know not to just sit there and stare when a paper bomb is thrown at me!" I say with a smile.

Just as I reach to open the door, it slides open making me yelp and fall back. I hiss in slight pain as I land backwards and bang my leg onto the floor. Scowling, My eyes make their way up to an unamused looking medical ninja and Temari.

"What are you doing out of bed!" the medical ninja yells more as a statement than a question.

What's up with people and yelling today? Geez I mean I am injured here! They should learn to treat the disabled more kindly...ok that totally sounded hypocritical.

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