Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Macy's Pov

We walk through a series of long hallways, and my leg throbs from the pain. After many turns I start to feel a change in the atmosphere, the lights start to get more intense, and the air feels slightly heavier.

"Welcome to the front room Macy." The lady says. In this 'front room' I see about 5 other girls, dressed in similar looking clothing and they all look very thin. Not deathly thin, but in shape thin. They look perfect almost, and I know I don't. I didn't know what to expect, but when one of the girls comes towards me she hisses and backs away.

"Girls, be nice to Macy. She is new to our way of life, and it hasn’t even begun for her yet."

"Yes Ms. Penny." All the girls reply in unison,  almost like its been rehearsed.

"Great. Now please excuse me while I see to dinner." And with that Ms. Penny leaves me to the seemingly nice girls.

"Well newcomer, what are you?" I hear a shrill voice say.

"I don't know what you mean." I say looking down at my feet.

"Werewolf." I hear another girl lightly whisper.

"Great, another one." A third voice says.

"Macy, right?" A much friendlier voice asks.

I nod. I don't know what they mean by me being a werewolf, because last time I check I didn't turn furry every full moon.

"I'm Cara," the friendly voice points to herself. She has long hazel hair, long legs, and cool blue eyes.

"This is Abbi," Cara indicates towards the first girl that talked. Abbi is a short blonde, but I'm not going to underestimate her just because she's shorter than me. Her piercing grey eyes shoot over towards Cara, almost like she was daring her to say more, then she looked back towards me.

"Over there is Grace, but I think you've already met her." Cara's smiling warmly at me, while Grace timidly smiles.

"Hi Macy." Grace says looking back at a window. Her wavy brown hair is pulled into a side pony and square glasses frame her face.

"That’s Hannah." Cara says, I don't think they like each other anymore than Abbi likes  Cara. Hannah looks tough with short black hair enclosing her small face, and intense brown eyes that feel like they can stare into the depths of my soul.

"I'm Teanna," I hear the last girl to be introduced say. She comes towards me and whispers in my ear, "We're going to be best friends, just you wait and see!" Teanna's dark brown hair has red and blonde highlights.

This is going to be fun, I've never been good at small-talk, let alone girl-talk.

~about ten minutes later~

"Time for dinner ladies!" Ms. Penny yells from somewhere in this house. In groups the girls get up to go to what I can only guess will be the dinning area.

Quickly Abbi and Hanah rush out if the front room. Either they were just that hungry, or they didn't want to breathe the same air as the rest of us.

"Don't mind them, they think that they are better then us," Cara starts to say and Teanna finishes her sentence with, " But they really just wish they were us!" Then the two high-five and then we leave with Grace trailing behind us.

Leaving through the other door we take two right turns and one left, down the long hallways. I start to smell the aroma of chicken and potatoes, and I realize that I am really hungry when my stomach grumbles.

We enter a room with two small tables, each one can sit four, but it's still a tight squeeze. Abbi and Hanah already occupy one of the tables, leaving the other one for us to sit at.

Soon Ms. Penny lets us get our food. We get up and go back into the hallway and take a right, giving way to the kitchen. On the counter sat the feast of chicken, potatoes,  and salads. My stomach rumbles, I guess I really am hungry.

I take a plate and load up on chicken legs and a breast piece. Next I go for the potatoes, still in their skins, and load them up with butter, sour cream, and cheese. Finally I grab another plate and put a bunch of lettuce leaves on it, and I top that with French dressing and cheese too. I get a few weird looks from the girls, and Ms. Penny comments that I must really be hungry.

In comparison to Cara's plate, I had about double the food. Oh well, I can eat what I want to, besides I'll burn it off. I wonder what these girls do during the day besides sit in the front room? How do they stay in shape with all this good food?

As I munch down on my dinner Teanna strikes up a conversation with our table.

"What do you guys think will be our workout tomorrow?" She asks. So I was right to think that we will be working out eventually.

"Probably some more fighting exercises," Grace says, then she looks somewhat in my direction, "We'll finally be able to have equal teams."

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