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Savannah & Simone// 10 months.
Harry: "Y/n wake up its Christmas!" Harry yells,jumping up and down along with your twins on your shared bed.

Your twins dimples showing as they kiss all over face, mostly slobbing.

"I'm up I'm up." You groan, picking up Simone while Harry picks up Savannah and you both head downstairs, heading over to the huge Christmas tree with tons of presents under it.

You set them down and rush to get your phone to record your daughters opening their presents.

"No Mone, you have a toy inside the box to play with not just the box." Harry smiles, brushing her brown hair back to kiss her forehead.

Simone looks up at her father with confused eyes before looking over at Savannah who was ripping open her present, a mini car that she can ride in.

"Open Open" Mone giggles, her dimples protruding with a gummy smile.

You walk over to the couch and sit on Harry's lap, watching the twins play with their cars since Simone finally got hers open.

"This is literally the best Christmas ever." You whisper in his ear, your blown out hair brushing against his face.

"Definitely." He presses his lips to yours, making you smile into the kiss.

Niall:Berkeley//5 months
You wake up from your deep sleep laying on Niall's chest with your legs draped over him. You smile lightly,tracing his face and kissing his cheek.

"Merry Christmas love." You whisper,waking him up.

"Merry Christmas baby girl." You both sit up and kiss each other on the lips.

Niall follows you to the connected nursery where you son is wide awake in his crib. His beautiful blue eyes shining as the sun rises beyond the window.

"Hello my angel." While Lifting him out of his crib, you kiss his forehead faintly and head down your hallway, to the kitchen.

"Our first Christmas breakfast as a family." Niall grins, retrieving the pancake mix and bacon from your refrigerator.

"Niall are you sure you don't want me to call momma? I think she can show you how to not hurt yourself while cooking bacon." You snicker, watching him jump as the grease pops on him multiple times.

You suddenly hear your baby start whine and you immediately latch him on to your nipple, knowing he hasn't ate.

"I'd rather get what my little lad is having than this." Niall smirks, winking at you.

"I'm calling Momma."

Zayn: Verity//6 days
"Hi Verity, it's your Auntie Waliyha." Waliya whispers in her ear while sitting by you in Zayn's family's home for Christmas.

"She's so beautiful y/n! She definitely has your eyes and nose." Waliyha gushes, taking in your daughter's beauty.

"Waliyha you've been holding her for an hour! Stop being selfish." Safaa whines, ultimately making Verity cry unexpectedly.

"I don't think she wants either of you." Zayn scoops her up from Waliyha's arms with his tounge poking out.

You laugh while getting up and following your husband to his childhood room.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2015 ⏰

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