Meeting the family (Niall)

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"I'm so glad you made it into this world safely." Niall's mother, Maura says, grinning.

"It was hard. We were so close to losing him." You sigh as Niall says that, it makes you replay all the trouble while trying to welcome Berkeley.

"Theo isn't it great? You have a new little cousin." Theo grins and lets go of his father's hand and goes over to his grandmother.

"Can I hold him?" Niall looks hesitant but you hit his shoulder and nod your head.

Niall takes Berkeley from Maura's arms and over to Theo.

"Sit back on the couch buddy." Niall says and Theo obeys.

"Here you go." Theo grins and looks down at Berkeley.

"He's small. When will he grow big?" Theo questions.

"He'll get bigger after a while bud. Then when he's older, he can play football (soccer) with us." Niall grins.

"Come on now Theo we have to pick up your mum. You'll come back later." Theo pouts but Niall just smiles and takes Berkeley in his arms.

"See you all later and congrats. You'll be great parents." Maura says and shuts the door.

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