Chapter 11 - Too Heavy

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Dave avoided the cat as he made a sandwich and tea for Jean; she was still complaining about her back and settled uncomfortably on the sofa flicking channels until her favourite shopping channel came up. The cat sat motionless on the kitchen lino watching Dave.

‘Oh my goodness Dave’ Jean shouted through to the kitchen, ‘just look at those pearls aren’t they just loverly’. The overly made up TV sales woman was extolling the virtues and purity of the gorgeous freshwater pearl set that came in pink, white, lavender or even black. all this and so much more’ why what more could you possibly  be offering’ said her sales partner peering first at the pearls then straight at the camera emphasising the word offering with a huge smile showing a set of perfect over-white teeth, ‘why what more could you possibly be offering?’ she said grinning like a fool.

‘Why I’m glad you asked me that’ said tele sales 1 cause all this could be yours with 75% off the asking price’

‘No!’ exclaimed tele sales 2 ‘that cant be possible’ flashing those teeth again.

Quick Dave come look at these pearls, owe they’d look good with my blue coat yes they would. Would you buy’em for me birthday Dave?’

‘No I bloody wouldn’t ‘he said as he came through with the tea ‘where the ‘ell would you wear ‘em?’ With that the cat jumped up on the sofa next to Jean, sitting motionless staring at her.

‘Ello my loverly big boy’ she patted Ginge on the head but the cat didn’t respond, he didn’t move he dint purr, he just sat staring at Jean.

‘I’d wear ‘em to bingo wouldn’t I’ lets face it you never takes me anywhere nice do ya’ she said ‘I’d luv to see that there Sue’s face when she sees me with pearls like them, that would take the smug grin off ‘er face, yes it would,’ turning to her cat again she added ‘you’d buy’em fer me wouldn’t ya Ginge, if you ‘ad any money you would.’ Again she stroked the cat, but again he didn’t move.

Dave popped his head back around the kitchen door asking. ‘Ere luv, you don’t mind if I pop down the Feathers do ya? Just for a quick pint with the lads, I won’t be late.’

‘Do I ave any say in the matter?’ was Jeans response. ‘Go on but don’t be late home, if I’m asleep don’t you go waking me will ya!’.

‘No luv’ Dave was out of the door and away before she could change her mind.

‘D’ya wanna sit on me lap Ginge?’ Jean turned her attention back to the cat. With that the cat rose up, stretched in an exaggerated manner then strutted across the sofa, each carefully placed footfall punching deep indents into the cheap leather seat. ‘You are acting funny Ginge’ said Jean ‘Are you feeling alright?’ With that the cat delicately placed one front foot between Jeans legs then the other beyond so that he straddled her lap. ‘You gonna sit down or stand there all night gawping at me’ Jeans voice was soft and welcoming as she stroked his back.

In one sudden movement the cat fell across Jeans lap rather than lay - one moment standing the next flat across her lap – Jean was suddenly stricken with the unexpected weight pressing heavy on her ‘ Owe my god – get of get off’ she cried out –‘your too heavy Ginge – your hurting me.’


The Tsarenz were again ready to explore.

Yellow fluid vapour slowly but surely drifted from the cats nose, mouth and elsewhere further back, a yellow heavy mist that once more explored the near surroundings, dragging slowly across the sofa, melting away into its folds and crevices, but more and more pored out of the feline who stared deep into Jean’s terrified face, eyes wide with fear in the realisation that something was very very wrong! The cat was pinning her down with its unexpected weight, its eyes held her terrified gaze, those huge yellow eyes. The mouth was gaping wide the terrifying maw exposing fangs in a frozen snarl with yet more yellow vapour pouring from the pink depths beyond, now seeping, exploring  and engulfing the new host pinned, helpless on the sofa, grimacing under a heavy weight, struggling to gain a breath, a breath that now included yellow vapour.

The cat suddenly broke free of the woman, dazed and confused its feline senses full of fear and the uncontrollable compunction to run, to run for its very life. The cats senses told it one thing - it was no longer needed, no more a purpose, surplus to requirements, no longer loved.. The cat staggered away, clumsy and heavily bumping into things, all the feline grace gone, it staggered out of the lounge to the kitchen, with only one true urge dominating his actions, that of fear to get away, to get as far away  from danger as he possibly could. In a desperate attempt at escape the cat ran through the cat flap into the garden where in a guttural yawl that started deep within his throat, the sound built to a terrifying scream that shattered the evening quiet sending all cats within a 100 yard radius off into their own fear driven madness.  For a few more steps he staggered then fell, his laboured breathing gradually became more sporadic, his chest cavity stretching in time with the gasping breathes, stretching the ribs to almost breaking point, in an attempt to suck in the air needed for life. The gasps became spasms, the front and back legs with claws bared stretching, clawing at life, with the backbone arching in upon itself in an exaggerated sickening twist  culminating in  one last exhalation leaving the ginger corpse limp and motionless on the cold damp grass.


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