Chapter 10 - A Call From The Vet

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Back at home Dave had dosed off in front of the tele when Jean came bursting in 'I found im, I found im! Dave where you? I’ve found him.’ She called out obviously very pleased with herself.

'Found who’ Dave was startled from his sleep ‘found what? Where you been luv?’

‘I’ve been out looking for Ginge and I’ve found im’ answered Jean with a big grin on her face.

‘That’s all! you wake me up to tell me the cats come home - what’s for lunch luv, I aint had any breakfast yet!’

‘You should have got yer backside outa that chair and done yourself som’at – It’s my boy he’s come home to mamma' with that Jean rushed off into the kitchen to after the cat. She couldn’t wait to give the big Ginger Tom a great big cuddle and something nice to eat.

‘Owe, I’m so happy your home Ginge,’ she said ‘come on what would you like to eat? You must be starving - ow come hear and give yer old mum a big kiss.’ With that Jean bent over to pet the cat, stroking his head, and then she tried to scoop him up in her arms, something she had done a thousand times before.

Oh my god’ she exclaimed placing a hand on her back, and  struggling  to straighten again ‘Quick Dave quick give me a hand I think I’ve done me back in. Quick!’

‘What’s up luv’ said Dave as he hurried to Jean’s aid who was still doubled over ‘what did you do?’

‘Its me back, I only tried to pick up Ginge and me backs gone’ quick Dave help me to the sofa.

‘Don’t worry luv’ said Dave as he helped Jean to the sofa and set about making her comfortable –‘don’t worry luv, I’ll make’e comfy with cushions then I’ll make a lovely cuppa tea. As Dave entered the kitchen he saw Ginge sat on the floor staring up at him

’Get outa the way cat’ Dave snarled ‘your bloody fault, her in there’s been out all morning looking for you – get on get outa my way.’

With that Dave tried to shew the cat with his foot ‘get on yer lazy waste of a cat – its your fault,’ again he toed the cat a little harder this time, but the cat didn’t move, it simply looked up at Dave with a knowing, unsettling look that made Dave hesitate and back off.’ bloody cat’ he moaned ‘don’t know what her sees in you – waste of space that’s what you are’.

‘Dave, Dave’ Jean shouted through as he made the tea.

‘What, is it luv? Just coming’ blustered Dave, as he rushed back into the lounge ‘are you ok? Is it your back again do you want me to get the Doctor?’

‘No forget the Doctor, I don’t wanna see no Doctor’ she snapped ‘it’s Ginge, where is he is he ok? It’s just that when I tried to pick im up I couldn’t - that’s how I hurt my back.’

‘Well I reckon you’ve overdone it out walking the streets, looking for a cat at your age’ Dave grumbled, ‘you shouldn’t keep picking up that bloody cat he’s too big, to bloody fat yes he is.’

‘Na its not that, I mean I couldn’t budge him, twas like he was nailed to the floor, he just wouldn’t move, I tried to pick him up but I couldn’t budge him, something’s not right Dave – you go try and pick him up’.

‘Its alright luv, don’t go worrying about the cat, I’ll get that tea and an aspirin you’ll be right as rain, now don’t go worrying.’


Back at the vet’s surgery, Charles had made a coffee and was on the computer typing the numbers from the scanner into the 'secure pets at home’ website. Tutting to himself he took another sip of coffee and watched the egg timer icon spin irritatingly as the programme searched through the online data base. A couple of moments later up came name: Ginger - owners address: 38 Warburton road. Owners name: Reynolds and a telephone number.

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