Objective #4: Reunion

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Shinai Academy, Class 1-S, April 25th, 1600 hours

The final bell rings. It’s been two weeks since she started classes, but Sumire is no closer to figuring out how she’s going to reveal her identity to her brother. Uncle was right. I really can’t treat this like an assignment. And I don’t know how to handle this kind of situation at all… As she walks towards the front entrance, she hears a commotion from outside.


A crowd of students rushes forward to catch a glimpse of the violence. Sumire joins them, curious. When she sees the two people standing in the middle of the conflict, she groans internally.

“I don’t want to fight with you, Hanketsu-san. I just want to talk.” Shou’s grown up, but his sharp features, soft brown-green eyes, and flared temper are easy for Sumire to recognize with one glance. His hair is bleached blond now and longer, almost to his shoulders. Even with the growth spurt and the hair, he is a hundred times easier to recognize than Shinji. Some people never change…

Shinji’s expression is filled with pure loathing as he addresses his childhood friend. His voice is cold. “We don’t have anything to talk about. If you don’t want to fight, fine, but don’t just casually approach me like we’re friends. We’re not.” Shinji starts walking away. The crowd parts like the red sea before him. He has apparently acquired a rather hostile reputation. Shou rushes forward and reaches out to stop Shinji’s departure. Shinji’s face reddens with anger; meanwhile, Sumire’s internal alarm warns her of the high chance of imminent violence. She makes her way to the pair. 

She’s almost next to them when Shinji snaps. “Don’t you dare fucking TOUCH me…” Sumire is close enough now to hear the next word, even though Shinji pitches his voice for Shou’s ears only, “murderer.”

Shou’s face turns white before flushing to an angry red. He clenches his fists. Sumire knows what’s going to happen before Shou even makes a move.

Shou throws a punch, but Sumire is already between them, gripping Shou’s fist in the palm of her hand. It’s a mirror image of their fight five years ago. Shou’s expression is blank with surprise. Sumire decides to seize the opportunity. Dropping her voice so low that only Shinji and Shou can hear her, she chooses her next words carefully.

“Keep your cool, Shou. I’d rather not fight you in front of niichan. You’re his friend, right? You just want him to acknowledge you, right? Isn’t that why you’re doing this?” Shou’s expression is impossible to read. His skin turns the color of spoiled milk. She releases his hand. “Meet me behind the science building in half an hour. Don’t say anything. Please, Shou.” She’s looking into his eyes, her voice and expression pleading. With a nervous jerk of his chin he assents and walks away.

Now for the hard part.

Slowly, she turns around. Shinji is still standing there frozen with shock. His face is white and he is visibly shaking. She intentionally made sure that he heard her words to Shou. Well, let’s see if that was enough to crack whatever delusional rock he’s lived under these past five years.

She roughly taps and then shakes his shoulder. “Follow me, punk. I still owe you for the freak comment from before.” She says this loud enough for others to hear. As she walks past him, she grabs his arm and drags him along to make sure he follows.

She doesn’t say a word until they reach the roof. Once she’s sure the coast is clear she shoves him up against the balustrade. “What. The HELL. Are you doing, niichan?!”

“Nii… chan? Did you just… who…?”

Sumire sighs in frustrated exasperation and sits down. Shinji is still standing. He seems to be at a loss as to what to do. “What you said before…to Shou… it sounded like…”

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