Objective #1. Final Exam

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Hi everyone! This is my first story on Wattpad and I would greatly appreciate your feedback, comments, and critiques! Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoy getting into the story as much as I have. P.S. "Shori no Megami" means Goddess of Victory in Japanese, if you're wondering. 

Government Building, 0900 hours, April 1st.

                A gaggle of all-female middle school students chatter excitedly as they follow a stern but plain soldier through the main concourse of the Defense Ministry’s headquarters. The soldier-as-guide is used to this; at least it’s only girls this time. Just as the tour leaves the councourse to enter an elevator to the third floor, one of the students rushes forward and grabs his arm.

                “Officer, I think my friend needs to go to the bathroom.”

                “Then she should have gone before the tour started.” He hates it when this happens.

                “Mister,” she crooks her fingers as if silently begging him to lean closer. He bends towards her, keeping an eye on the crowd. The student whispers as quietly as possible into his ear, “I think she just started her period. It’s her first time. She’s already anemic. I have a tampon in my purse, but I don’t know if she knows how to use it. Please Mister?”

The now flustered junior officer pales. A petite but shapely girl with long dark hair and glasses is supporting herself against the wall, shaking and white, clutching her stomach. She looks mortified. The officer suspects that she's Japanese. Unfortunately there are no female officers immediately available to accompany them. But they’re only middle school girls… it should be okay. “Fine, but hurry up and go immediately to the tour center when you’re done. Another officer will escort you to meet us.” The pretty, slightly taller student with the long, dark, rose red hair stands on her tip-toes and kisses the soldier’s cheek. “Thank you, officer!” He blushes slightly and touches his face as she grabs the Japanese student’s hand and dashes off to the ladies’ restroom.

Government Building Restroom, Cafeteria , 0923 hours, April 1st.

  “In through the front door again…” Rose mumbles under her breath in a voice pitched so that only her partner can hear her.

  Sumire holds up her hand, indicating the need for quiet. Their mission is to infiltrate the Ministry’s offline server bay and download all information concerning sleeper cells currently stationed in the U.S. The information is highly classified and, in the hands of an enemy, extremely dangerous.

The girls enter the handicap access stall. Awaiting them are two compact backpacks identical to the school bags they brought with them on today’s tour. Sumire opens the first pack. It contains a C4 charge and detonator, a tool belt with various devices stored in an assortment of pockets, a pair of climbing boots and a comm.link device. As Sumire crouches down to set the first C4 charge and detonator, Rose puts hers and Sumire’s dummy bags aside. She then opens the second bag specially prepared for this operation, pulling out the uniform of a female naval officer. In sign language Sumire indicates to Rose that it is time to start phase two of the infiltration.

Government Building Concourse, Tour Office, 0940 hours, April 1st.

                Rose salutes the army officer in charge of the tour office. “Permission to report, sir. Lieutenant Junior Grade Marie Dupont reporting.” Damn, knew I should’ve gone with an army uniform… Silly military branch rivalries… She passes him her identification, confiscated during a previous tour and doctored by their teammate, Tech. “I need to leave a report concerning two female students from Western District Middle School, who apparently separated from their group.”

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