Chapter 45: Aron

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As I rose from my bunk at Flame HQ, I caught a whiff of the familiar scent of griddlecakes roasting downstairs. I took a deep breath before stretching my arms and climbing down the little ladder to the floor. 

"Hey! Teren! Wake up you lazy cow, it's already 6:30!" I shook the crumpled blankets that lay on the bottom bunk, but there was no response. 

"Teren?" I asked again tentatively, before yanking the blankets away to find that my brother was missing! He still wasn't back from Earth!

That idiot was taking this too far! Yes, he was an amazing Aura warrior, but he wasn't immune to everything! Lady Myers would surely kick him out of the Order for this...

Walking into my bathroom, I quickly changed out of my pajamas into a gray t-shirt and black pants. As I walked out into the hallway, my mind kept drifting to thoughts of Teren. As much as I wanted him to receive his well deserved punishment, he was extremely devoted to the Flame cause and a valuable asset to the Order. I just hoped he wouldn't be censured to severely...

"Hey Rory," I greeted my younger sister, who stood by the stove frying griddlecakes. 

"Hey Aron," she whispered, tossing her jet black hair over her shoulder. "Where's Teren? Is he being lazy again? I swear, if that guy is late to another Order meeting, I will beat the Aura out of him!" 

"Rory...not now, please," I warned her, before heaping two griddlecakes onto my plate and sitting down on the couch. 

"Why did they have to choose him for the Order?" Rory fumed, driving her spatula into a griddlecake viciously. "I've consistently been in the top 5% of my class ever since our parents joined the Flame, and I'm a three time recipient of the Order's Most Promising Young Aura Warrior Award! All Teren has ever done is cause trouble!" 

I sighed, sticking my fork into my breakfast. Once Rory started ranting, she didn't stop, and the ranting often led to throwing things, burning things with Aura, and other destructive behaviors. Typical Warrior Clan girl. 

"Look, next year's election year. Lady Myers is gonna choose a new Order, and I'm sure she'll pick you." 

"She'd better," Rory snarled. "Or anyone else. If Teren gets a second term, I'll die!" 

"Come on-"

I was beginning to reason with her, but was cut off by a sharp knock on the door. 

"Open up! This is the Order!" Came a gruff voice from outside our flat. 

"Maybe they came to give me a spot!" Rory excitedly rushed from her position at the stove to open the door. I rolled my eyes, that girl was way too devoted to joining the Order for her own good. 

My sister pulled open the door, revealing a tall man and a small but stern looking woman, both dressed in identical suits. I recognized them from Auraview broadcasts as major rebel leaders, Tamarius Kandain and Alsiyah Valior. You could call it ironic that they were the brother and sister of Armetorius Kandain and Selaeyah Valior, two of Queen Saralee's most powerful Icehearts. 

"Mr. Kandain, Mrs. Valior," Rory gushed, putting on a smile so fake it took all of my willpower not to laugh. "What can we do for you?" 

"By order of Lady Eleanna Myers, supreme leader of the White Hot Flame, Mr. Aronel Faerlen and Ms. Aurora Faerlen are required to make an appearance at the midweek meeting of the Order of the Flame exactly, let's see," Tamarius looked down at his watch. "seventy five minutes." 

Rory and I instantly exchanged confused and concerned glances. 

"Is something the matter?" Alsiyah asked. 

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