Chaptrer 4

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Its complicated how the world seems to be against you. That one moment when everything dosent seem to be working out the way it should.

"Pleas help me Sam" I say

I'm in the cemetery again tears are falling from my eyes onto the snow and my mind is full of sorrow and lonlyness. Its been three days since I lost it and started to scream my head of at my mum, and life is hard. Mum dosn't dosent let me go out any more so me being here is practicly ilegal.

"I'm so alone" my sobs are so depresing even to me. "What did i do wrong"

As it turns out I was right about something bad happening but not quite as extream as what i thought. The hand on my shoulder scares the living daylights out of me.

"Hey Campbell" Its Coulette.

Coulette is Sams twin sister she is absolutly stunning in aperance. Her blond hair is perfect in every way posible, and her light blue eyes are captivating. She is about my hight and she is one of those girls that can get any guy that she wants.

She smiles at me "you ok? you seem realy upset and I dont think its about sam"

 Why would she care how i felt for all I knew she didn't even know that i existed. But of course she did i spoke about Sam at his funeral i seam to remember her start crying part way through my speach if thats what you whant to call it.

"Is it about Nathan?" she is kneling next to me now and has one arm around my shoulder.

"Kinda" i say "Its more about my parents"

"I saw Nathan to day" she says, "he looked as bad as you do".

I laugh "do I realy look that bad?".

"Your a ship wreck on legs" she laughs.

She turns me around and pulls me close and into her arms. Its a real good feeling, I havent been huged by a girl in years, and I'm kinda enjoying it.

 "So" I mumbble whith my face on her chest. "Why are you here?"

"Testing a thery" she laughs.

"Whats that?" I ask

"That you were more to sam than any of us thought" she says leting me go, "and that he meant alot to you".

Oh yea I think he neva told his family about us. I go red. How embarasing I knew that she wouldn't touch me unless she knew I was gay.

"About that...." I say "yea he was".

It took alot to say but there is no point denying it not now that she has seen me crying infront of her brothers grave.

"Its fine that your...diferent" she says tentivly "your, your own person and thats perfectly nateral".

I laugh "I wish every one was like you. Life would be a lot easyer".

"Oh!" she gasps "i allmost forgot Nathan is looking for you. I think hes at the park or somthing".

"Thanks" I say "I realy need to talk to him".

She laughs "Now what ever you two get up to in the park remember to use protection".

I laugh. Its cool how she is so... whats the word... relaxed i geuse. She dosnt seem to care no matter how weird it might be.

"I'll leve you now" I say "let you have a quiet moment whith your brother".

"Thank you" she grins at me.

I stand nod at her and walk off towards the park.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2012 ⏰

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