Chapter 2

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Our fake story seamed to work but when Emma found out where they were going for lunch she practically went out the door screaming. Nathan apologised and left. that'sabout it i've been siting here staring at the TV screen for about three hours. There's nothing much on so i decide to stop moping and go into town. I'm about half way up the stairs when i start to get light headed and have to grab hold of the stair rail to steady myself. "That was odd" I mumble.

The disy spell pases as quick as it came and i forget about it and continue on to my room. "Oh god" i say as i reach the door of my room.

the bed covers are all over the place, the couch has moved at least one meter backwards and there are bear cans all over the place. "Once Ive had another shower ill have to clean this up" I say to my self.

I'm half way across my room when I stand on something sharp. I look down and see what i have stood on, "oh no" I'm staring at a broken picture of a guy i was in a previous relationship with.

it might be a really odd thing to get upset over but it has allot of sentimental value to me. His name is Sam he was killed by some whack job. Aparently he was killed because he was gay. The monster got sent to jail for thirty years, I don't think that's long enough.

I turn the shower on and Waite for it to warm up and think about where i should go when i head into town. i might go visit Sam at the cemetery. sounds like a good thing to do. as i step into the shower the instant warmth of the water is exactly what i needed to lift my spirits. It is short lived because i have only been in the shower three minutes when the hot water stops and i get a sudden burst of ice cold water. "God dam it!" i shout as i jump out of the shower and fall on my face on the tiles.

Oh great I'm cold and my head is hurting like hell. That's it I'm going into town as soon as possible.

                                                           *                             *                            *

The cemetery is on the other side of town so it takes me one hour to get there. On a day like today I'm the only one crazy enough to visit the people that lie in the land of the dead. I can remember exactly were Sam's grave is, so i naturally head strait to it. his grave is number three thousand and five. meaning he was all most the most recant person to be buried in this cemetery.

"Hey Sam"I said as i knelt down next to his marble grave stone. "Hope the afterlife is treating you well".

 A grin slowly creeps onto my face. Sam Had this really strong belief that the afterlife is real. I never questioned him I just lay against him and listened to him go on and on about how he thought it would be like to go there. The grin suddenly left my face and was followed by a flood of grief. "Its to bad you had to leave the way you did" I say to his grave. "I miss you".

"Hey hamndsome" a voice said from behind me.

I feel into the snow. "Were did you come from" I said shocked.

I didn't think it was possible to move as silently as Nathan had. "Here and there" he said as he extended a hand out to me.

I took it and he pulled me up and right into his arms. His inbrase was warm and welcome but I got a sudden chill and pushed away from him. "I'm sorry" I said looking at the ground.

"Whats wrong" he said tilting his head to the side.

I looked back at the grave stone "its a personal thing" I said still not meting his eyes.

Nathan walkes over to the grave and reads the name on it. "Oh im sorry I forgot about him" the sudden realisation of why I am here registers on his face.

I'm fighting to hold back tears that's when I extend my arms out to Mike, my mind is screaming for his embrace. "Its ok, I'm here" he said in an attempt to comfort my conflicting my emotions.

its a really odd to be in this kind of situation. I haven't been in a serious relation ship with a guy for two years. I was to scared that if i did something bad would happen, like what happened to Sam. That's when it dawns on me. "how did you know i was here?" i asked looking at his face.

"I saw you walking into the cemetery when i was leaving Dinimo restrant with Emma" he smirked. "I drooped her of at home and came strait here". His grin grew bigger "I couldn't stay away".

Wow that was unexpected. The school hot shot ditched his cheerleader girl friend to come and see me at the sadist place in town. "Stay with me" I whispered.

"All ways" he whispered in reply

That's when he kissed me, and this time it sent a heat wave through my body. It feels like that one kiss has lifted all the pain and sorrow out of my life, and for that split second i feel like i did befor Sam died. For the first time I feel a real bond with this boy and he is all i can think about. The moment is ruined by an extra chilling gust of wind and an increase in the snow so it went from romantic to just plain annoying. Mike started laughing and we both ran from the cemetery.

                                                     *                            *                             *

Nathan pulls up my drive way afew minutes latter. I really need to invest in a car it saves allot of time. "Thank you so much" I say and for the first tome its me that ends up kissing him.

"Its all good" he says then he returns the kiss. "Besides its no fun kissing some one who has a cold" he laughs.

"Guess not" I laugh. "See you at school tomorrow"

"I'm looking forward to it all ready"


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