Chapter 2

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(Trinity's Dad's Point Of View)

"Get him!" Yelled the captain. I ran towards the man that had tried to hijack the huge coast guard boat I was stationed on. As I chased after him I could hear shouts from around me but I could only make out a few words like: "more of them" and "weapons". My heart pounded as I went around the corner. When I brought myself to look ahead of myself again I saw a tall man with a black hoodie turn to me. "What's going on here?" I asked the man. He slowly headed towards me. I pulled out my gun. "Mr.Riley, put the gun down." he said. "How do you know my name?" I asked without moving my gun. "I'm one of them." He said. I slowly lowered my gun. "What do you want." I asked caustiously holding my gun at my waist. "We came to kill you." he said raising an odd shapped weapon... "Why me!?" I asked as I thought of my wife and daughter. "Its the only way to get to Trinity." the man said. "You'll never take her!" I yelled and raised my gun.Just then an invisible force moved my gun into his hand. He had moved it with his mind. He took the gun and tossed it over board. "We won't get her as long as your around." he sneered. "We'll take her when she turns 18, so nobody will question where she disappered to." He said calmly as he moved towards me with the weapon. I raised my hand in anger and shot a ball of fire at him. His energy made me angry. I was never usaully this out of control with my powers. His power, was to make his enemies angry...but he could also move things with his mind...As my fireball launched at him with gaining speed he smiled an evil smile, raised his hand, and said: "Lights out." 


I woke to the fone rining. I went downstairs my mom was talking on the phone. I glanced at the wall jacks caller ID. It read: DEBBIE SAUNDERS. Aunt Debbie? I thought. She never calls anymore because she lives all the way across the country in Maine. After my mom hung up she said that Aunt Debbie would be living with us for a while because  she left her husband, and had nowhere to go. "Will she be taking a 4:00 pm flight tomorrow?" I asked.  She looked at my funny and nodded. I sat down at the table. "What was dad like mom?" I asked again for probably the millionth time in my life. "He was strong. and brave, and nice, and smart." She smiled. "I know that mom but, was he, I don't know speacil?" I asked. Her eyes seemed to glow with pain of the past. She looked at me and said. "He was amazingly speacil." she smiled. I could tell she was close to tears so I left the subject alone for now. But I knew something was different about him. 

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