6. The Sorting

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It was dark by the time the Hogwarts' Express pulled into Hogsmead station. The children piled off, eager to stretch their legs and make their way up to the castle for the amazing feast that awaited them. Ellie had changed into her robes just before they reached Hogsmead, but the night air still made her shiver.

Then a lamp came bobbing over the heads of the students and Ellie heard a familiar voice: "Firs'-years! Firs'-years over here! All right there, Ellie?"

Hagrid's big hairy face beamed over the sea of heads.

"C'mon, follow me - any more firs'-years?"

The flock of eleven year olds followed Hagrid towards the shore of the lake. They all clambered into the small boats which moved off all at once, silently gliding across the glass-like surface of the water. They could now see the castle, perched atop a high mountain on the other side of the lake, it's windows sparkling in the starry sky.

When the boats reached the far side of the lake the went through a curtain of ivy which hid a wide opening in the cliff face. The children were carried along a dark tunnel leading right underneath the castle itself until they reached an underground harbour, where they clambered onto the rocky beach. Hagrid was checking the boats, and found Trevor, Neville's lost toad, hiding in the bottom of one of them. Then they walked up a passageway in the rocks until they came out on the smooth, damp grass in the shadow of the castle. They walked up to the stone steps and crowded around the oak front doors. Hagrid raised his hand, and knocked three times.

Professor McGonagall opened the doors at once and led the first years across the entrance hall. Many of the children gasped at how big and grand it was, but Ellie smiled, glad to be home.

They were led past the Great Hall and into a little side room off the entrance hall. Professor McGonagall then started to explain the different houses they might be sorted into and how the house cup worked but Ellie didn't have to listen - she knew it all off by heat already. Instead she inspected the different students standing in the room. She noticed the blonde boy who she had met in Diagon Alley and they made eye contact. As soon as McGonagall had left the room he strutted towards her, two large boys on either side of him.

"It's true then. You are Eleanor Potter" he smirked. "Why didn't you say so before?"

Hermione frowned at her, as though wondering when they had met.

"My name's Draco. Draco Malfoy. This is Crabbe and Goyle"

Ron sniggered, and Draco's attention turned to him.

"Think my name's funny do you?" He snapped. "No need to ask who you are. Red hair, freckles and a hand-me-down cloak. You must be a Weasley." He spat, and Ron turned red.

Draco turned back to Ellie.

"You'll soon find out that some wizarding families are much better then others, Potter. You don't want to go making friends with the wrong sort. I can help you there."

He held out his hand for Ellie to shake but she glared at him, feeling brave for almost the first time in her life.

"I think I can workout the wrong sort for myself thanks."

Draco opened his mouth to retaliate, but at that moment someone screamed. Floating through the walls were the Hogwarts' Ghosts.

"New students" cried the Fat Friar, the ghost of Hufflepuff house. "Good luck with the sorting ceremony! Hope to see you in my house!"

At that moment Professor McGonagall re-entered the room to escort the first years into the Great Hall. They formed a single file line and followed her. Hermione started muttering about what spells she may need to use for the sorting test but Ellie put her out of her misery by telling her that she only had to try a hat on.

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