Chapter 2

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My arms tightened around Jim's waist as we rode to the shipyard on his motorcycle. He stopped just before we entered it. I looked up at the ship, it was huge.

"I hate you" I said, without any real heat

"Hey, it won't be that bad" He reasoned.

"Yeah, well i wasn't planning on going into space anytime soon but nooooooo, you wouldn't go if i didn't" I huffed

"Yeah, well, what can you do" He shrugged before riding towards the shipyard. We pulled up to the shuttles and Jim got off while one of the passing worker said 'nice ride, man'. I pulled my helmet off, yes a helmet because i'm not a dumbass like him. He turned it off and threw the keys into the worker's helmet.

"It's yours" he said and walked up to pike "Four years? I'll do it in three"

He walked into the shuttle. I walked up to him.

"You joining too?" He asked

"Didn't have a choice" I said bitterly "He wouldn't go unless i did"

"Well, we're glad to have you, your scores are almost as good as his" he said

"Thanks" I said, then entered the shuttle, i got in just in time to see him hit his head on the low ceiling. I laughed and he glared at me

"Haha, what? That's why short people rule" I said, not having to bend down at all. He rolled his eyes, we passed the people who were at the club.

"At ease gentlemen" Jim said, i flipped them off.

We found two seats that were unoccupied, Jim struggled for a minute but got the hang of the seat belt. I did not and ended up tangled, now he was laughing at me while i glared at him.

"Stop laughing and help me" I said, he eventually did so. He looked over and smiled at something. I looked to see what he was looking at, it was Uhura.

"Never did get that first name" Jim said, Uhura laughed a bit.

"You need a doctor" I heard a flight attendant say, i looked to my right to see a flight attendant pulling a man out of the bathroom.

"I told you people, i don't need a doctor, damn it, i am a doctor!" the man said, i laughed.

"You need to get back to your seat" The FA said.

"I had one in the bathroom, with no windows" He exclaimed. "I suffer from aviophobia" he said at the same time the FA said that he needed to get back to his seat.

"Means fear of dying in something that flies" He earnestly

"Sir, for your own safety, sit down, or else i'll make you sit down." The FA said harshly.

"Fine" he grumbled finally sat down in the seat next to jim

"Thank you" The Fa said exasperated. The man started to buckle up

"I may throw up on you" He said to Jim

"I think these things are pretty safe" jim replied.

"Don't pander to me, kid. One tiny crack in the hull and our blood boils in 13 seconds" he said "a solar flare might crop up, cook us in our seats, and wait till you're sitting pretty with a case of Andorian Shingles. See if you're so relaxed when your eyeballs are bleeding. Space is disease and danger wrapped in darkness and silence"

"Well i hate to break it to you, but starfleet operates in space." Jim answered

"Yeah, well, i got nowhere else to go. The ex-wife took the whole damn planet in the divorce. All i got left is my bones." He said before taking a drink from a flask he handed it to Jim

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