Chapter 13-16

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We met at her house a few more times to finish the project and Thursday was the last day.I was inconsolably sad that we had finished it just when things between us had gotten better.

I didn’t know how I was going to hang around her from now on. I had a collection of sad love songs in me head and played it on repeat in me mind.

We didn’t have the same friends and I couldn’t possibly ask her to go out with us. Or could I? Of course I’d suggest it as mere friends going to the cinemas or something.

But apparently I didn’t have to.

I was putting me books back into me backpack when she surprised us.

“What are you doing tonight?” Kimberley asked us.

“Who? Me?”

“No, Coco.” She laughed at us. We had named the pup Coco after feeling it was silly referring to him as “The Puppy” all the time.

"Nothing. Why?”

“We’re going to this new club. You want to come?”

On a school night?”

“Yeah. Why? Is your bedtime at 6?” She teased us. “Anyways, it’s only from 8 till 10, 10:30 max.”

“Okay, sure!”

“Great. Sarah is picking me up. You want us to pick you up too?”

“No, it’s ok. I rather take me car.”

“Ok...just a second.” She rummaged through her backpack and gave us a card. It had the club’s name on it and on the other side a small map with directions to reach the place.

It was after I had gotten home that it downed on me that I had nothing to wear. All me clothes were a bit tomboyish and definitely not suitable for a club and I wanted to impress Kimberley’s friends but most importantly look nice for her.

Kiara, who was home from college for the weekend, saw me sudden change from complete excitement to utter despair and asked us what was wrong.

I had talked to her about Kimberley over the internet so she quickly understood me problem and with a smile led us to her room.

She opened her closet and started picking some stuff up and throwing them at us to wear. She was a shopaholic, so aside from all the clothes she had in her dorm room she still had a nice collection here.

After trying on several outfits I finally decided on one.

Tight Dark Blue jeans that made me bum look nice with a cute sleeveless top and a long necklace and matching earrings. I drew the line when she tried to make us wear ballerinas and I tried to convince her that me converse would give the outfit a cute rock look.

We finally reached a compromise and settled on a pair of high heels.

I looked at the time and hurried to the bathroom. I hadn’t realized how fast the time had passed and now I only had 45 minutes to take a wash, get dressed and put on some make-up.

As I got ready to leave mam and Kiara gave us an approving look and dad tried to complain that the jeans was too tight but they quickly hushed him.

As I looked in the mirror I had to admit I looked quite stunning.

I easily found me way there as the map was very well detailed, but I still was 15 minutes late. They must probably be inside already.

I gave the name Kimberley had given us at the door and was let in. The place was packed. I recognized a few people from school as I looked around for Kimberley.

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