The Battle

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Echo's POV: Its been a couple of weeks and Silver is a month old .. I miss him so much and Jake ... We haven't seen each other since coming to this place. Cave and I have the rebellion and now all I have to do is wait for Cave's signal, A firework exploded with black and red. That's our signal to go, The other nekos and I ambushed the kingdom with the wolves. Cave and the other nekos were doing the same at other side of the kingdom. After we got all the guards, we went into the bedroom of our parents. We opened the door and said" Hello.." Our dad turned around his eyes were blood shot red and he said" YOU CAME ... AHAHAHAHAHA! YOU THINK YOU CAN DESTROY ME? SO EASILY? AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!?!?!"  only mad men would say something like this.. Jake killed him as he was in wolf  form and said through the pack thing" That guy was REALLY CRAZY.. now lets get Blaze.!" We got him out off his room , he was crying when he saw Cave and I. He said" CAVE? ECHO?" We got into a group hug, it was soo good to see our family even if our dad was crazy ,seeing Blaze was worth destroying our dad. Blaze has red and yellow hair  , black jeans and a shirt that little Cave and I made for him ,but back then it was too big for him. Now it fits him perfectly. He stopped crying and We promised to come visit.. He said" You're not staying , you two?" I said" We cant leave our mates... but we promise to visit anytime ,we can.. Your not getting rid of Cave and I THAT easy.." He laughed and said" Never .. Ever!"

Silver's POV: Da-da came home , and Dad-dy came home! I love my dads! But where mom? Where Dads go... C-hi was cool! She good magi-can! Yeah  that's the world! Da-da picked me up and said" We're HOME!" I giggled  and said" Da-da!"

Echo's POV: I said" Let me hold him! Jake!" He said" Fine.. fine" He handed Silver to me and I said" Did you miss me? " Silver said" Gu ! Gu!" I said" You did .. Aww!" Jake laughed and said" You sound like a mother talking to their child coming back from  a business trip.." I said" What? Nooo... " I hugged on to Silver and rocked him to sleep singing a lullaby and Jake said" Yeah , your the mom.." I said" Be quite , Little Silver's sleeping.." I put Silver in the crib and went into the living room,  I said" Thanks for taking care of  Silver for us.." Chi said" No problem.. he didn't cause any problems at all.. He was a little angel!" I said" Aww.. that's good!"

*5 Years Later*

Echo's POV: I am the Alpha 'Female' and Cave and Luke are the Betas . Silver is 5 years old , his birthday is  the day we found him , December 20th. We told Silver that we weren't his REAL parents and he said" You are my real parents.. you guys are taking care of me... I know I'm adopted! Different hair.. E-Dad!" I always knew he was smart but .. he doesn't seem to have friends in the pack.. and I'm worried that he isn't fitting in because all the other kids are werewolves. Silver and I like to annoy Jake when he's doing paper work.. and the best thing is that he cant get to angry at me.. because Silver is there.. Jake always said something like" Silver .. don't you have any friends ? why not go play with them..?" Silver said" Friends? I only need you guys!"......Little did I know that he was going to run away when he gets to 10.. right before him birthday party........

I wonder if I rush these endings  our when The story has a problem and I salve it and do a time skip... Hmm .. Maybe I do rush endings... Oh well .. What do you guys think.? Was this ending rushed?

Do you Warriors Want me to ... what the word... Edit this Book , so its in more detail with the battles or something like that?

That's All Warriors! Chi Out! =)

My Neko ,  Echo (Completed) -Editing-Where stories live. Discover now