The Bite

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Edited by Chi: 9/23/17, Sep. 23 2017 First published in 12/22/15 Dec. 22 2015  

               Jake's POV: It's getting close to the full moon and I haven't marked him, my wolf said " MATE! Mate!" When Echo knocked on the door' I locked myself in her'e so I wouldn't do anything... my wolf wanted him' and so did I' but I couldn't, not without knowing' why he doesn't like our kind. My wolf whimpered. Echo knocked again and said'" Come on' Jake... You haven't gone out since this morning! You haven't even eaten anything..." I said'" GO AWAY!!" Echo whispered'" What's wrong with them today, first him then Luke, Do you think their ignoring us? Did we do something?" I heard Cave say," I don't know but I don't like it..." Echo said," At least eat something when I'm not here, ok?" My wolf growled at me for making him feel guilty.  I really wanted to unlock this door and go to him, but I knew I wouldn't be able to resist it for long, so I gave Luke the key and he gave me his. This is so we don't attack them.. I really want him though... I couldn't fall asleep , I smelt his sent as he came in. He said," Anyone home?" Cave said," Maybe their out of the room finally!" Echo said, excitedly, "I hope, I mean I know it's the full moon tonight but that only affects wolves with mates.." Cave said" Luke better not have a mate...." He said it, with so much venom. Echo said," OoooO someone has a crush on the wolf?" Cave said, " Oh be quiet... at least mines a wolf , your crushing on the pup!" Echo shuttered and said," W-why would you say that?" Sometimes it kills me to hear how innocent he is... Cave said," Well you should have thought of that with the master." Echo said," Your NOT my master..." Cave said, " I know , Jake is.." Echo said," Huuuu! What ? Nooooo I'm a stray and will always be a stray!" I think that was a code for something but what.... my wolf wanted to break this door and demand what they were talking about..but as soon as I let him do that he would just mark him.. Dad came in the room and said," Why are you trapping yourself in here..?" I said," Lock the door..." He said," No.." and came closer to me. My wolf came out to the surface and ran out , I couldn't control myself when I jumped on Echo, canines out and my eyes were glowing yellow. My mom screamed," David!" Echo looked really surprised not knowing much about us wolves. My dad said," Oh.. no... he didn't " Echo was still on the ground not taking his eyes off me. His eyes showed confusion and fear ... of what? I don't know. Luke came out and said," I thought That the key would be saver with your dad, guess I was wrong... sorry." I was inches from Echo and he wasn't struggling to escape , he just stared at me not knowing what I could do. Luke said" Jake don't do it, back away.." I said," My wolf wont let me , its to strong...." with that I kissed Echo and he yelped, surprised... I then went to his neck, not caring if my mom or dad was here and bite him, tasting his delicious blood and licked the mark so it would heal faster, I heard him moan and my wolf finally let me in control after he said, " Mine.." I got off of him and saw Luke as he said, "Cave, go to your house and You too, Echo..." Echo stood up and said,genuinely confused," Ok..." holding his neck where I gave him the mark... Realization hit me ... HARD.. my mom and dad where their and my wolf didn't care,  that's how strong it was... I sat down face palming. Luke said," Well at least.. your wolf isn't going to go crazy.."  my dad said," If I knew that was   going to happen I would of stepped out of the way." I said," Yeah.. sorry about that.." My mom said," You found your mate! I'm so proud of you!" My dad said," I.. don't know what to say but you found your mate, and now we need to have the ceremony and just wow..." Luke said," I hope this blows over ... " I said," Yeah but its easier for you , you don't have this feeling..." Luke said nothing. I got some food for we didn't eat anything, being locked in our rooms tell dinner so... Luke came in and said," I do have those feelings.. but towards my mate and I'm just glad I was able to control him, but yours is a soon to be alpha, its way stronger than mine." He was right but I just don't know what to do ... Will Echo hate me for what I did? And reject me.. !! My heart broke at the thought and my wolf whimpered.

               Echo's POV: Luke said for us to go home and I said "Ok" I wont panic he marked me? of all people, guess a part of me liked that but another part of me feared it and I didn't know which one to go to. We came to our house  and Cave said," I'm glad you found your master.." I blushed and said," I'm still betting that Luke is your master.  I mean, you guys did cuddle!"  Cave blushed at the thought and I would normally pick on him more, but I really just wanted to be alone and think . It happened so fast..(Future Chi: Litterally all my other books have many more chapters than this...Which is to be expected since it was my first successful book.)  I was talking to Cave about them two, when suddenly I turn my head from a noise upstairs and get tackled, I didn't know what to do,  I looked up and I didn't know why he was acting like this.. we were soo close ,but then I thought about those rogue wolves that killed our mom.. and fear was written in my eyes, but what was he doing I only focused on him , I couldn't hear what Luke was saying or anybody else,  just Jake being on top of me then kissing me with passion and love. Then went down kissing all the way to my neck then I felt a sharp pain that turned into a gentle touch making me what its called.. moan... He got off of me and I felt where he did something to realize that it was a bite mark and our hearts were beating together. It happened and now I'm here, I think I'm going to let my kitten descide and they liked being bitten by Jake... It's going to be sooo awkward the next time we meet.. I feel asleep though I was really cold and I don't know why, I put 2 extra blankets on .. My kitten said" Cuddle buddy , Jake.." Manc I'm going to have to lock myself in this house when the new moon comes... Who knows how crazy my cat and jaguar will actc I hope my smell doesn't get better and stronger that would be the worst! NOT that I don't love Jake because I do, but Cave says they can be annoying.. and I wouldn't want that.                     

*time skip to morning* 

            I woke up to Cave yelling at me to get up and that I need to stop taking cat naps ... But cat naps are good energy boosters!  I got up and said," But my energy boosters!"  He said, ''No buts, lets go to school !" During school nothing happened I didn't see Jake all day and My kitten, jaguar and I didn't like that ... Ok, cats like attention ... from loved ones... I didn't get bullied, which was weird... Chi congratulated me on having a master... So Should I call him Master Jake.. like mom did with dad when I see him again, My kitten said," Jakey Wakey ? " I thought 'of course my kitten would come up with a new nickname for him'.. After school Cave said," Come on your master Is waiting! " I smiled, I was nervous about this but I knew I could handle it. I said," Let's go!" I wanted to know what he was doing.. oh yeah, I'm very nosy... My curious kitty takes over ,Its not like I try to be nosy... Cave said, " It's fenced over and we walked here too..." I started climbing  the tree and he followed. I dropped down and said," Want me to catch you?" Cave laughed and said," Of course.. not!" Then he dropped down and said," Let's keep going! See if their defense is actually good!" Luke was behind him and touched him, He yelped and turned around sighing in relieve. Luke said," Our defense is VERY good!" Cave looked at me and said," WHY DIDNT YOU WARN ME " He was about to hit me upside the head but Jake stopped him and said," What are you doing...?" Cave said," No fair Echo you have a body guard!" I said, " I didn't do anything !" Cave said," Yeah right!" Jake was suppressing a growl, and I said," Let's go inside, ok?" We went inside and sat down. Jake said," Hi.." I said," Where were you, during school, I didn't see you in first period or third or fifth period? He said, "I was training" Cave whispered, "so that's why I didn't see Luke anywhere..."  I went into serious mode and said, " Why were you training? Did someone get hurt or killed in the pack?" I know that he wouldn't want me to leave but I rather leave than put anyone in danger and I know that's what Cave would do too.. He looked surprised by the tone I used, and said," None of Your Concern..." I said," If it concerns you then it concerns me..." My jaguar didn't like being in the dark for it always meant that someone was going to get hurt. Cave said," Yeah, what is it?"  Luke said," You know when you and Echo went for a run and found that other neko." I said," Silentz?"Jake looked at me and said" You nekos have weird names..." I said," No .. its a symbol..." then I covered my mouth. Cave said,playfully when calling me a name, but seriously at the rest," YOU IDIOT! shut up! we cant say a thing or ... nothing good is to come." I said" Sorry it slipped!!!" They looked at Cave and I confused and Jake went closer to me , I backed up into a wall, he got closer and said," Tell Me.." My kitten whined but I couldn't tell him... then I told ,"We have magic abilities that only few have... I'm sorry Cave..." Jake said, in my ear, " If this wasn't a serious situation , I would make love to you right now but What do you mean by that." Cave eyes were with fury and said, " Echo ...0_0" He then went to punch me I put up a force field and created water from nothing while he had lightning  around him and I said," Training ? Fine!" Luke and Jake stepped back, and Cave and I went outside. Cave said," Only use one power at a time ..." I said, " Deal! " Then I through a water sphere at him,which he used his lighting to destroy it...

( Future Chi: This is the last one I'm doing today  Sep. 23 in part of editing... I have to check on some other books and see if I can update any of them...)

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